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8.5 hrs last two weeks / 656.9 hrs on record (373.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jul 30, 2022 @ 1:31pm
Updated: May 26 @ 10:02am

In all honestly this game is great. the combat is wonderfull, the journey threw early to lategame and roleplaying is the funnyest thing ever. so many improvments from the basic civ template, the world wonders claim, the combat is a MASSIVE improvment i dont thing i can put it to words just how satesfying it is to put effort in high ground, rear attack, naval support, air support, and later in the game even artillery support, its just so good.
the new vassel and war effort update made it alot more enjoyable to starve your opponents in a 7years war.
this game is just so good, very thankfull i bought it

I wanted to comment on many of the bad reviews this game unjustly.
1. Citys in both civ5 and civ6 you get more and more population untill the city starves or run out of housing, that this game has the same gimmic is a unfair point of criticism.

2. the "lost as sea" mechanic is hundred times better then other 4x games, the fact you can take a risk and shoot yourself over deepwater, hoping for land is so much more fun then just locking a player on a continent. have you ever seen a island you want to settle in other games, that you cant cross cause it is 1 tile of deep water between you, even if it is just 2 tiles from your shores,. :tldr. lost as sea mechanic is super cool,

3. the battles, first i will comment on a problem that civilisation had in civ3 and 4. where a pikeman could hold his own vs a modern tank, later games have fixed this problem by having earlier units when battleing later era units. they get massive debuffs. like if a classical swordsman "with highground, flanking, rear attack and other bonuses" might have 45 strengt, batteling a musketman with 47 strengt, sorry, but the swordsman will get obliterated, AS IT SHOULD.
and the battle mechanic in its own is a massive improvement (in my opinion) from other civ like games, its more action between roudns, having 3 batteling phases each round, and the map terrain is much more better looking, it has massivly improved from the release game, the game tells you where archers can shoot before you move them. you can see what gives your units buffs and debuffs (like lowground/highground, rear-attack, friendly units, phanax formation) and there is so much troop diversity, not only from later eras, but from different cultures you choose, like Achaemenid Persians (they have anti cavelry and Bastion), immortals. or the sviss Reisläufer( they get mercenary corps, anti cavelry and defender). alot of funny ways to make your troops stronger,

and of course you get alot more weays to switch the battle in you favor from the terrainm, forest gives you defence vs ranged attack and makes you harder to spot, river crossing gives you debuffs and drains your troops movement,

4. the wonder mechanic in this game is unique to other 4x games i have seen, it might feel wrong in the start that you have to claim a wonder before you can build it. thne you must finish it before you can start a new, but i find it Ok. yes you cant easy rush all the wonders like you can in civ6, but in the same time it will stop the enemy from sniping a wonder you worked 28 turns on, right before you finish it. there is some good, some bad., so i see it as a OK.

5. the war support
It might be more difficult to learn, it was for me. but the face of the matter is not only the b\iggest army wins, if you loose 30 units winning a battle, and you only killed 8, you might loose war suppport over it, like "battle of fredericksburg" in the american civil war, where soldiers was marching into a meat grinder, the unioin soldiers did win the battle, but the meat grinder strategy was not popular with the public, and abe lincon lsot alot of "war support" one mighht say.
and i oculd also mention the famous vietnam war where the us lost all support for the war. i think everyone gets that one.

6. victiry conditions
i dont get why people get angry over this one, cause like most 4x games you can turn on and off certen types, but yea, sometimes you win with fame, and sometimes you pollute the world so much you cant liove on it no more, but if you dont like one or the other, jsut turn it off.
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