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Senaste recensioner av Pr0j3ct_XIII

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4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
15.3 timmar totalt (13.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I picked this game up during summer sale on a whim and i think it has a lot of potential. Currently Nether is getting a lot of flak from the community for bugs, hackers, general problems with running it, and the admins. While they are valid points I think a lot of the hate is undue. It is definitely a work in progress but as my experience goes, It has been enjoyable enough to keep playing as I see the potential it has. I would definatly recommend this game, just not to people with a low tolerance for developing games and the problems that come with.
Upplagd 22 juli 2014. Senast ändrad 22 juli 2014.
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