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11 of 11 (100%) Prestaties behaald::

Persoonlijke prestaties

Alles Klar!

Find the secret area in "Dark Bargain"
Ontgrendeld op 13 aug 2019 om 1:56

Daddy love

Win "Batter Up!" with Maximum Daddy Love
Ontgrendeld op 13 aug 2019 om 1:56

Don't Stompa

Beat "Very Pink" without using Stomping
Ontgrendeld op 13 aug 2019 om 1:56

Magic Monk

Beat "Sticky Remains" without using the 3rd Jump
Ontgrendeld op 13 aug 2019 om 1:56

Routes 66

Beat "Minivania" in under 2 minutes
Ontgrendeld op 13 aug 2019 om 1:56


On "Sticky Endings", get the Air-Sword ability while already having the Double-Jump ability
Ontgrendeld op 13 aug 2019 om 1:56


On "Sticky Endings", get the Double-Jump ability while already having the Air-Sword ability
Ontgrendeld op 13 aug 2019 om 1:56


Win the game
Ontgrendeld op 13 aug 2019 om 1:56

No Thanks

Win A Jumping Massacre without using teleporters.
Ontgrendeld op 22 okt 2020 om 4:04

Mit Liebe

Win Alex's Love Letter.
Ontgrendeld op 22 okt 2020 om 4:04

Going Fast!

Defeat the Shadow Monster.
Ontgrendeld op 22 okt 2020 om 4:04