
Käyttäjän Draven22 viimeaikaiset arvostelut

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2 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 135.6 tuntia (90.9 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
This game is basically, like it says, a call back to old snes rpgs, like dragon quest, with a lot of tounge in cheek humor which i can't help but love. the other players are almost always nice and helpful no matter what questions you ask them, and its USUALLY easy to party up with a group, which is prefered to than using actual monsters in battle since they follow a better form of the old dragon quest 4 system of "attack based on the tactics you give them" approach, though you can always assure one thing with monsters, they won't attack what you're attacking unless its the last one left, kinda like weaking the opposition tactics, but what monsters are really there for are reserve bonuses...you join a party with two other players and your monsters give you boosts which is very helpful usually. i've got 90 hours logged into it so i can say for sure its an amazing game..just gotta wait for the next expansion to come out, but if you get it here on steam its free along with the other job classes besides the basic four you would normally have.
Julkaistu 18. tammikuuta 2016
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