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Pay Respects

Visit the grave of a failed Sword of Ditto
Ontgrendeld op 24 apr 2018 om 14:02

Play Time

Find a Toy of Legend
Ontgrendeld op 31 okt 2023 om 9:21

Let's Get Stickin'

Equip a Sticker
Ontgrendeld op 31 okt 2023 om 7:32

A Change in Fortune

Meet Serendipity
Ontgrendeld op 31 okt 2023 om 7:36


Swap a Sticker with someone on Ditto
Ontgrendeld op 1 nov 2023 om 5:23

Really Crate

Open a crate
Ontgrendeld op 1 nov 2023 om 5:31

One Anchor Down

Destroy one of Mormo's Anchors

Anchors Aweigh!

Destroy all of Mormo's Anchors in a story

Defeat Mormo

Defeat Mormo for the first time

First Grading

Complete a Dojo

Play Another Day

Reverse time by a day


Equip a limited edition Sticker

Sticker Connoisseur

Get a limited edition Sticker from Ock

Thanks for Offering

Complete an Offering

Collect the Set

Equip 12 limited edition Stickers


Upgrade your bomb capacity to maximum

Iron Sword

Defeat Mormo with all of her Anchors active

Toy Master

Find all Toys of Legend

Log Finder General

Find all of Ditto's History Logs

Fate Unlocked

Break the Curse of Ditto