Renato Silva   Portugal
Nie podano informacji.
byteframe's cat 2 marca 2019 o 10:18 
👔 🏓 🎁 💚 👳 💎 🎄 📕 🥞 📗
🐳 [] 🐠
🚘 👑 🚙 🏀 🐝 🍆 🎈 🥗 🚗 🌽
"If we wanted more leisure, we'd invent machines that do things less
efficiently." -Calvin's dad

Thank you. before I begin, I'd like everyone to notice that my report is in
a professional, clear plastic binder...When a report looks this good, you know
it'll get an A. That's a tip kids. Write it down. -- Calvin

As usual, goodness hardly puts up a fight.
-- Calvin
👽 📘 🐳 👹 🔋 🚕 💙 📀 🥒 🌋
TimeIsNothing 12 listopada 2016 o 14:08 
ugly ♥♥♥♥ go ♥♥♥♥ your little brother again you rapist ♥♥♥♥
TUSSO4 - CALLS 12 listopada 2016 o 9:59 
♥♥♥♥ chiter noob
Шмыль 13 lipca 2016 o 13:07 
Шмыль 13 lipca 2016 o 13:07 
Rita Matias 6 czerwca 2016 o 11:55