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4 van de 14 (29%) prestaties behaald:
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Lamunation Initiation

Start the game!
Ontgrendeld op 14 mrt 2020 om 4:46

Konnichi Wassup

Play the game in Japanese.
Ontgrendeld op 14 mrt 2020 om 5:00

Say Hi

Play the game in English.
Ontgrendeld op 14 mrt 2020 om 5:00

Ni Hao Ma Boy

Play the game in Chinese.
Ontgrendeld op 14 mrt 2020 om 4:46

Lamunation! Half-Off Lamune Route!

Make it halfway through Lamune's route.

Engage! Half-Off Twins Route!

Make it halfway through the twins' route.

Hello Wold! Half-Off Corona Route!

Make it halfway through Corona's route.

Full Open Sesame!

Hit the "Full Open" button.

Lamune and the Lamune Factory

Complete Lamune's route.

The Road to Prateado

Complete the twins' route.


Complete Corona's route.

It Keeps Happening

Try to escape the room.

Let's Get It Started (in SA)

Clear the prologue.

I Shat Bricks in Corona's Route

Shit yourself.