I have to state that Mississippians don't know, and refuse to learn, how to surrender to an enemy. If Com Farragut or Brig-Gen. Butler can teach them, let them come and try.
James L. Autry, May 1862
Currently Offline
Duptar41 Feb 3 @ 1:23pm 
You might find this interesting, recent news related to the proposed trial of Jefferson Davis:

Duptar41 Jan 27 @ 11:08pm 
3. Re: threads pertaining to secession and the WBTS: you had said that a Chinese government official had used Lincoln as a precedent to deny Taiwan the legal right to independence. Do you have the source on that, or the name of the official and maybe where I could do some more investigating on that topic as it pertains to secession in general?

4.. Regarding the early activities of the Republican party, it seemed from your posts that it may be worthwhile to look into Chase and Seward biographies on how the Republicans planned to upend the Union with their fictitious views on the Constitution and law. If you have read biographies about them, what would you recommend? Elsewhere (and this is going way back) you had mentioned what sounded like Justice Black saying a certain ratification was "ex post facto, and therefore unconstitutional, and might possibly carry weight in a trial of indictment in a criminal court" but I could not decipher who exactly from the context if you could verify.
Duptar41 Jan 27 @ 11:05pm 
Hello, had other questions to ask since we last communicated on TWC. There was more but Steam puts a word count limit on messages to profiles.

1. Where can I read about Sherman placing himself in a mental institution after realizing how much trouble his war crimes caused and taking a training role, as well as how Sherman's killings were used by Nazis re: genocide and ethnic cleansing?

2. What would be a good resource to shed light on the parallels between how the Nazi judicial system enacted eugenics and race laws and how the Republican Party suppressed the sovereignty of states? Re: Hitler, you had referenced Kershaw's book on him before. Would Kershaw's book be your favorite as far as biographies of Hitler? I'm looking to go beyond Richard Evans and do a deeper dive. I really like his "Coming of the Third Reich" but looking to see what else scholarship has to say about Hitler coming to power and a general analysis of Goering, Goebbels and the other big players in the Nazi party.