Tim   Washington, United States
Writer of sorts. As seen on GamesRadar, CGMagOnline, BagoGames, and We Got This Covered. Writer at The Daily of the University of Washington and journalism major. Observer of life & its oddities. I like tacos too.
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airbornebovine 29 out. 2013 às 20:24 
I love your profile pic. Are you a Monty Python fan?
Tim_Gruver 15 out. 2013 às 17:20 
Wolf Among Us: Another slam-dunk for Telltale. Play it.
Tim_Gruver 4 out. 2013 às 16:53 
2K sale for X-Com: Enemy Unknown, Borderlands 2, AND Civilization V?!!! My wallet's never seen brighter days for game spending! :D
Tim_Gruver 17 ago. 2013 às 18:41 
The Walking Dead: Telltale did one bang-up job of tugging at my emotions. Already seems like a lifetime ago I downloaded it, and I'm not even done with the 1st episode yet.
Tim_Gruver 13 ago. 2013 às 22:30 
Me 1st badge! :D Woo!
Tim_Gruver 13 ago. 2013 às 21:36 
Got the Walking Dead, season 1 collection! Look forward to a great story and making the hard choices. . .