Kirby Green
Review Showcase
This game nails everything a game should have. But they lack the proper people to tackle bugs that have plagued their game immensely.

- The Good Things -

This game focuses on a crab that gets it's shell taken away by a loan shark for (reasons that contain spoilers), and your task is to retrieve it back from that loan shark. As a hermit crab, you have to traverse through the ocean, while wearing temporary shells to be able to find it.

The game is heavily designed for hardcore players, like games such as Hollow Knight. Where fast reflexes are put to the test. For people who don't have fast reflexes, there is an Assist Mode in the settings that allow for the game to be *easier* for those kinds of players, regardless of difficulty being too hard for certain people which I love a lot. Hardly any game use any sort of handicapping system and it's frustrating that players are expected to be born with something only few people have, just to be able to enjoy such an amazingly designed game.

Unlike a lot of games, this one has voice-acting. Not as much as marketed (so a little bit of false marketing on their side), but they picked the best voice actors for this game, especially for the main character.

The maps in this game really take your breath away. You feel like you're actually inside this big open world. Colored confetti particles can be seen floating around the ocean, and with the high graphics mode, you can get realistic shaders applied which is beautiful to look at.

The different kinds of shells you can choose from is very vast. Certain shells have their own abilities that allow you to do interesting attacks and what-not. With a few shells being inspired by other third party games.

- The Bad Things -

There's a lot so hopefully you're ready for this.

First and foremost, this game from the beginning has been solely marketing their product to appeal to Among Us, Undertale, Cult of the Lamb and Spongebob fans to fuel their game's ego, instead of marketing their game for what it is. They rather be unoriginal by adding things not at all related to the game than be original just for clout. Very disgusting.

The clothing store in the game has nothing original that players can buy, merely the only outfits you can purchase are outfits from third parties (Among Us, Undertale, Cult of the Lamb, Spongebob). I wouldn't have minded that if there was outfits that are original to the game, but this feels scummy just to get people to buy the game.

While this may be a bug, or purely intentional. The Assist Mode feature does not appear to work ever. A bunch of other people agree that Assist Mode barely makes strides towards making it an easier expirence for casual players, especially myself who doesn't have fast reflexes. I could never find myself being able to play the game using Assist Mode. The only way I was ever able to traverse in the game was to use the "Give a Kril a Gun" mode found in the settings. Which replaces your shell with a gun that can do one hit kills on any NPC/Boss. Which can sometimes ruin the story.

This game roams with a bunch of bugs. I'll write down a few that you will come across while playing.

1. Depending on what map you're at, you will come across mountains/rocks with half it's poly triangles missing. This is not a bug, this is part of the actual 3D model. It's not supposed to be like that. And by touching the invisible poly triangles, your player can be seen suffocating inside these rocks.

2. Depending on the screen-size + how long your play session is (without closing the game), you can find yourself with monsters you defeat not de-spawning off the map. And you can push their dead corpse around.

3. If you fall into the bottomless voids, your health bar will refuse to update your new HP change. Falling down into bottomless pits drains your HP, though not as much.

The biggest concern and the reason you should not pick it up. Saving never works in this game. I had my whole save corrupted simply cause my player could not re-spawn due to another bug where my player kept re-spawning above spikes which lead to my player falling down into the bottomless void in which to restart the process again and again and again. And when I was seen restarting the game, I was greeted with a "New Game" screen, and not a "Continue?" screen. See video attached to see the whole thing go down.

What's even more disgusting is the developers of the game. One of the developers I found was seen bullying people on the official game's Discord server for mentioning about the save-data bug. Developer for the game named VCosmoz saying that the, "Save file being lost is actually a blessing, it means you get to re-experience this wonderful game all over again!" Essentially joking at the fact that a bunch of people's save-data got either erased (if on console) or corrupted (if on Steam) which is very unprofessional coming from an indie company. I have yet to have my save-data fixed by the developers like they have promised they would.

- The Verdict -

The game is awesome, almost everything about this game is what you'd expect to see in a Nintendo game, if done in a more mature kind of way and I love it. The problem with their game is the team members. They decided to rush this game out without doing any further QA testing as mentioned by another team member, who stated that, "Testing was done by 2 of the 11 users in the development team." I've asked another team member to re-confirm if this was true, and they replied saying they had hired a full QA team to find bugs. You can't really trust the team members if different members are saying completely different answers can you? Especially since a lot of the bugs I've encountered are near impossible to miss, and yet at the moment of writing this, it has yet to be fixed.

I would not spend a dime on this game, especially with the behaviors the developers have shown on the official Discord server. It's definitely not worthy of your money at it's current state. Developers should not rush their game out there until they know it's 80%-100% free from bugs. This is not what the developers did, and instead launched a new initiative to have you, as the player do their bug testing for them. Talk about cheap labor.