
honored cur の最近のレビュー

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記録時間: 10.5 時間
Just finished the game, loved it, loved the idea and the characters. Its a bit simple but not in a bad way, I would love a sequel. Ziggy is my favorite character, would love to learn more about my favorite chef.
投稿日 2019年6月3日.
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記録時間: 41.3 時間 (レビュー時に33.0時間)
I loved this game so much, my favorite routes were with Zoe and the Slayer if you haven't done them you TOTALLY should.
投稿日 2019年3月27日.
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記録時間: 2.8 時間
See...I am not sure what to make of this...I was excited for this, and I figured it would be rouge like but it also felt like there would be more of a story and more character. It says I played for 2 hours but it felt like 6 hours. You die a lot, and got to restart you got three characters but if 1 dies YOU LOSE. That really bothers me given that the concept was to protect the princesses...which honestly...are useless...they hold these orbs to gather the enemy souls and if you get 20 in one orb you get a free spell...which almost NEVER happens...even during boss fights despite my best efforts I never seemed to get enough kills in that one battle.
The game relies a LOT on RNG...and not in a good way I never feel like I am getting stronger, and when you beat the big boss, your only thing is YAY YOU UNLOCKED A NEW CHARACTER! and no contuniation of the original story, now it could be I got to unlock...what all 80 heroes to see that? but it took 2 hours to unlock 1 guy, and after I got him the game got HARDER I felt like I was being punished for winning, it wasn't a "oh now to the next level" no it was a reset the campaign and start a new game where you MAY use the new guy, hell idk if its random but my new guy wasn't even that helpful and the fact that all my abilities that were VERY useful before were all gone just disapointed me.
I REALLY want to like this game, but it just feels wrong...too much RNG, each session feels too long for a rogue like, it feels really slow when progressing in campaign and the battles can be a bit overwhelming quickly...It just hard to feel like you are winning or progressing with this game, and other rouge-like games i've played do.
This game was really disapointing and I am glad i got it on sale, it feels way too unfair for a twenty dollar game
投稿日 2018年1月12日.
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記録時間: 16.6 時間
So this took a LOT longer than I expected it would, not entirely for a good thing. While the game was longer than I expected I think nearly HALF my gameplay was to grinding, especially near later levels you have to have your stats up to be able to beat the enemies. The game also says very early in that not to try and master everything but to focus on one route, but when you look at it strength and stamina are completely reliant on each other. I went the Slugger route and thankfully I won most of my matches, I found it was best to get my stamina and strength too a high point and keeping them there and focusing on agility.
The game has funny moments but it can take a LONG time to be ready for the next fight. I think it took me three solid in game days at the gym to get one stat to a certain point to help me win. The game also has a slightly realistic thing where every day you lose some strength, stamina, and agility which would make sense except I would spend ALL day training my agility and get like 300 agility, but then midnight strikes and I lose 120 agility just because a day passed and it could go down.
If there is a sequel that should either be nerfed or limited to only going down when you don't train the stat.
Also some of the areas you visit are really too big...one spot China Town at least in my playthrough there was only ONE guy there and he never did anything other than heal me. There was the occasional fight but that was it.
You can get most of the achievements in one playthrough which is nice, though in my playthrough there was a glitch/bug with a cutscene at the end of the Dark Fist storyline, instead of showing the proper one where I confronted the evil genious in charge of the mutants...I got the ealier cutscene in the story line from the rooftop fight.
I recomend this, but there are a LOT of things that annoyed me on it, and I was simply on normal.
投稿日 2018年1月8日.
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記録時間: 18.2 時間 (レビュー時に17.1時間)
This was a pretty enjoyable game, it was simple and probably doable for casual players given that it seems to be when you die, you keep your items and go to the nearest medical zone. It is pretty enjoyable, I wished that we weren't limited to four players only, but the border in game of what was real (in game) and what was just the in-game stuff (in game).
I'd go more into explaining but that would be spoilers.
My requests would be, to be able to customize the Roleplayers more, and to customize their characters, not everyone just plays themselves as something else. I also wished the races where more diverse, you got only three Green (smart), Simian (Strong), and Human (balanced) its simple but I kept expecting to unlock the Reptoids, Insectoid, and Mechons as playable races. I as mentioned earlier also wished we could have a larger party, we got 6 slots and we never have more than 1 NPC ally as far as I can tell. It would be cool to either able to recruit an NPC ally to fight with us, if not just add another player or two to the party. I will say I enjoyed the 'cryochamber' which you get later in the game, don't like a character or want to try a new class? you can freeze/scrap characters and add new ones using the unused stuff and I think they are equal to the lowest level member in your party. That was nice, granted 3 of my team where my first three people but the fourth slot was rotated often. Also the random NPC talks, they either need more variety or the useless ones should disappear. I was looking for the mineral merchants and kept running into "E-Roar" which annoyed me and wasted time.
This is a fun game...but now the technical part....this is still a young game as far as I know...and there is a lot of bugs, things not appearing like treasure, things staying for too long like in space battles sometimes the dice stay up long, or the hud will. In the final space battle I actually had to restart my game because the hud showed up after i lost, and when I fought the ship i was either taking double damage or something because I would die almost instantly. DIdn't help that the ships would go black so I wasn't too sure what was going on just from audio.
I did enjoy this game and while I'd rather a sequel to Chroma Squad, if it wouldn't hurt that I would be happy to play a sequel to this especially if they fix the bugs, and listened to my suggestions.
投稿日 2018年1月4日.
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記録時間: 0.3 時間
I played through the first two to completion, the thing felt weird but it had fun moments so I kept going . The Animation often felt odd, but THIS episode, if you look at my time it's probably less than 30 minutes, becasue unlike the other two parts I CAN'T PLAY THIS, I'm at the very start and just walking around and trying to take things ends up with my game just being their, no animation, no prompts, can't skip. I even waited several minutes and nothing. Its a shame I was curious how this all ended but...I am not going to wait to beat the game when I can't even leave the bloody apartment without the game messing up on me. This is strange for me because I never had an issue like this with the first two parts.
投稿日 2017年12月9日.
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記録時間: 7.8 時間
Okay so right off the bat this isn't a bad game. However...I do feel that it was not worth the full 15$ I think it should've been about 10$ There is a lot of fun in this and some jokes that made me laugh pretty loud. Some of the puzzles are very tedius and hard to figure out and doesn't help when some of the puzzles need some strange logic. I am also dissapointed though with just how little things are explored. (Some spoilers after this point) you meet a guy in the underworld who acts like Cid for the underworld. (maybe swapped for Cid at a young age?) Yet you do nearly nothing with him. You learn no real reason WHY Cid was put in Darkestville, and so many other questions that are left open that bother me.
Now based on the credits this seemed to have a fairly small team compared to a lot of other games which I can use to explain some things. Though for 15$ I wish that more of the game wasn't static. I wished you could see more things in the background happening, or from time to time a silly animation from a static character while waiting. There was some but not a lot of animation when you weren't involved. The Inventory wasn't bad but I feel that it was a bit tricky and wished their were more lines for when you had the wrong item being used because hearing "Nope." "Nu-uh" "I will not use *Item* here" got annoying with how often I had to do trial and error to figure it out.
I noticed the lip movement was odd but I believe that this game isn't originally English so I chock that up to just I'm not playing the native langauge.
I will also note their is a character name "Vigo" and his name throughout the game is pernounced "V-Go" but the narrator calls him "Vi-go" which just sounded weird. It's more a nitpick but I didn't like it.
The game also had a bad habit of red herring hints. There is one character you need to trap and he says something about a Purple Raptor, and another character seems to be that when he sneezes after drinking something Cid had made before he turned into a purple monster. So I spent thirty minutes trying to figure out how to make the thing so he would turn into the monster and could be bait to trap or just lure him away for me. In the end that was a throwaway Line.
I know this has a lot of negativity but the trailer does show the best parts, Cid is a pretty likable character he is "Evil" but not a monster. It started to leave the goofy childish side and get a bit more serious but not enough.
While some of the meta jokes were really funny, others where forced and dissapointing.
What I do hope for though is since Steam says this is like Deponia (good series BTW) that Darkestville Castle fallows in Deponia's footsteps and make a few sequels going on with and improving the story and explaining the backstories of Cid and a few other characters more. I'd love to see Cid do more maybe a level where he is just doing his pranks or so (could've actually been a good tutorial moment) delve into his decisions more, does he stay how he was or does he try to improve himself?
This game in the end I think is at LEAST a 6/10 it's not bad, but it clearly has flaws. The things though that appeals to me the most about it is Cid is a great character, the world is intriguing to me, the humor for the most part is good (every comedy has its bad jokes) but the potential sequels are what I hope for. I want to see more of Cid, maybe a spin off or a section in a sequel/prequel where you play as the Romeros (I feel they needed more screen time).
I am going to keep my eyes open and hope that this becomes a series because Cid the demon of Darkestville deserves love.
投稿日 2017年10月1日.
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記録時間: 9.3 時間
So...I really am not sure what to say about this game. I don't hate it, or dislike it, but not really sure if I like it either. Some of the puzzles were tedious, the wiring puzzles were COMPLETELY ANNOYING, I pulled up a walktrough and found out some of the puzzles supposedly are random per playthrough and to figure it out you have to do a LOT of trial and error.
I will say I like that the story is two stories happening at the same time. It is an enjoyable premise, the art while not my preference isn't bad art. Some of the voice acting isn't very great but most of it is really good even recognized Jack Black and Wil Wheaton have roles. I wished the two main characters interacted more, and really the end game only gives you what little closure through a credit slideshow.
This is a strange beast, and while I have to recomend this because I do see it being something fun to play, I am completely uncertain on if it is something Good or just OK.
Perhaps a sequel covering more of the world would happen and be nice.
投稿日 2017年8月6日.
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記録時間: 11.4 時間 (レビュー時に10.4時間)
I absolutely LOVED the original Deponia story, and while I enjoyed this game, and really am glad that they added a button to help highlight what is interactable made things easier. The game keeps Rufus personality and he's still fun like before to me, he makes a new friend Mctimeguy (wrong on purpose) and you start going through time. I This is a very complex time travel story so I am kind of confused and I can't figure out which time line caused the worst case scenario really.
It does explain some background of the original such as Toni and Rufus a bit before their break up, and it's sad that I couldn't see more of a timeline where they stayed together.
The game gets pretty interesting when you get about half way and get into a lot of time travel without reseting everything.
Some things that annoyed me were, a lot more puzzles appeared to involve dialouge then the first so it took me nearly an hour to figure out how to do one puzzle because someone i spoke to before had new dialouge I was unaware of.
I also kind of missed the Platypus's but with how this is technically only ONE chapter it's forgivable that it's so small.
What I think though was really strange for me, was the Meta talk. I never learned much about what others thought of the ending of Deponia (SPOILERS MAY HAPPEN FROM NOW ON) but I wasn't a big fan of the ending, I felt that Rufus shouldn've had a happy ending but I could've accepted it because of this game. I had actually hoped the plot of this one was we played as Goal going back in time to save Rufus but this plot was fine. What bums me is that the Meta talk seems to show the creators were upset that others didn't like the ending and basically set it up no matter how much you try the ending won't change because it ereases things...I had just wished that we could've maybe gotten a scene of Goal discovering Rufus did somehow survive the crash, he appeared to survive far worse.
Overall I liked this game and would LOVE to play more in the universe of Deponia, even if we don't get Rufus (though Rufus would be a big plus), in fact with the establishment of Aliens and genesplicing stuff DOES exist I would enjoy if the next one went into deep space.
So my overall score though is an 8/10, I do enjoy the game and I recomend it to anyone who played the first Deponia. The ending isn't as great as I'd like but it isn't a fully closed ending either, so another sequel can happen.
I'm glad I got to play this and will be recomending the Deponia games to my friends and going to keep my eye out from the creators for any potential future games in this series or similar style.
投稿日 2017年4月18日.
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記録時間: 30.6 時間
So this is the first Point and Click i've ever played and I think it did really good, I'm going to probably play a few more thanks to this game.
I love Rufus, yes he is nearly insuffrable at the start, but as I learned more and more about him, and how others treat him (though some make sense) but he gets so much better by the final act/game. This was really fun, and I bet if I played more games like this some of the more...abstract puzzles would been more obvious. The lip syncing is weird but I don't think this game was originally for English. Though i've not looked into it so i am unsure if it was originally another language.
This game has some really fun moments and there was only about one or two in total that I felt bad about.
The ultimate thing is some puzzles are strange and the hints are unclear, I admitadly had used a guide about half the game more due to not sure what is to be used when and lost my patience. The ending was strange for me, and I'm still not sure how I felt. Though when I learned of the fact their is a sequel to this 'complete collection' that came out about two years later. I HAVE TO RECOMEND THIS, while i've not played DOOMSDAY yet, it seems to be like it is taking the fun of this game and going all out, though just the fact it is the next installment meaning this keeps going.
PS: This game has a weird obsession with platipi (platipuses?) and it's funny half the time but...it seems to be on the trash planet of Deponia, 60% of all wild life is some form of platipus.
投稿日 2017年2月14日.
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