Tensei Jinkusu means Reincarnated Jinx. Superior Pepper Slime has appeared! Ultimate Form Yennime from Elsword has descended.

Hah you guys/girls are so boring!

Where's the fun in that?!

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The type of games that are the best is any form of crafting (that includes alchemy, forging, tailoring, leather working, etc.), Also any rpg's that are turn-based, (well practically any games that aren't horror games or sport games).

My favorite so far is the Atelier games since crafting is literally the main focus of the game and it's very in-depth albeit simple. 2nd Favorite game series is the Tales of series just for their comedic humor and great cast of memorable characters.

Now I have 2 Atelier Game on steam (Sophie 2 and Ryza 3), the rest (Ryza 1, Ryza 2, Lydie & Suelle, and Lulua) are on my Switch going to get them on pc as well will also plan to get the other Atelier games as well over time.

:FFXIII2chocobo::FFXIII2chocobo::FFXIII2bomb: :FFXIII2mog: