Timp de joc în ultimele 2 săptămâni:

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5 din 23 (22%) realizări obținute:
Realizări personale

Urban Explorer

Explore every room of the estate before going to town in Episode 1.
Obținută la 7 febr. 2021 la 12:34

Cooking by the book.

Follow the recipe.
Obținută la 7 febr. 2021 la 12:34

Old Yeller

Do what has to be done. Yourself.
Obținută la 7 febr. 2021 la 12:53

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Finish Episode 1 with Book Smart as one of your traits.
Obținută la 7 febr. 2021 la 12:59

Candy From a Baby

Finish Episode 1 with Street Smart as one of your traits.
Obținută la 7 febr. 2021 la 12:59

That Damned Smile.

Get your cousin to flash her Pearly Whites.

What were you expecting?

Pet Frou-frou more than once in Episode 1.

Can You Pet the Dog?

You can pet the dog in Scarlet Hollow.

Mx North Carolina

Finish Episode 1 with Powerful Build as one of your traits.

Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way

Finish Episode 1 with Mystical as one of your traits.

Linguini Ratatouille

Finish Episode 1 with Talk to Animals as one your traits.

Steve from Blue's Clues

Finish Episode 1 with Keen Eye as one of your traits.

Bell Pepper

Finish Episode 1 with Hot as one of your traits.


Take a menu option that requires two traits.

Ya blew it

Get a bad outcome while you had a trait that could have avoided it.

Master Codebreaker

Break into the forbidden wings of the Estate.


Finish Episode 1

6 realizări ascunse rămase

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