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Análises recentes de John Deere

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44 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
3 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
93.8 horas registradas (64.8 horas no momento da análise)
Análise de acesso antecipado
5/5 game. To all, this game is a simulation, which means its realistic. At times u will find it hard to make silver, other times the fish are popping. to those with minimal time it may be a struggle but its worth it. if u looking for a fish every cast u in the wrong game. Rate this 21/10 over any fishing game. REMEMBER THIS GAME IS EARLY ACESS, (LESS THAN 50% DONE)
Publicada em 15 de junho de 2018. Última edição em 5 de dezembro de 2018.
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