3 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 9.8 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jun 25, 2016 @ 1:11am
Updated: Sep 3, 2016 @ 12:11am

"Nancy Drew: the Ghost of Thornton Hall" ranks in my top five favourite Nancy Drew games produced by Herinteractive. This game is by far the spookiest though, from the random shadows that fleet across the screen to other strange happenings. If you're faint-of-heart, you might like another one of the Nancy Drew games better, or at the very least, don't play this one at night! :-P All-in-all though, the graphics, storyline, and characters are really engaging. Herinteractive really strived to make this game one of their best yet. I have few qualms with the game itself--some of the puzzles were a little too challenging for me, but it's definitely a good brain tease at the very least! Many of the Nancy Drew games recently have really focused on visiting a variety of countries to welcome new cultures to the game. While I fully approve of this notion, some of the games come off as a wee bit stereotyped. This particular game, however, is not one of them. This game has a true sense of place because it's not just aiming to put another Herinteractive flag on the map. The location itself doesn't really pertain much to the game (though it is stated), which in my opinion, makes the gameplay so much more realistic. :-)
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