BarbieKillZone Jul 5, 2021 @ 12:59pm 
Epicdenver, you have no idea how you make me feel when I read what you put on his page. I hope he's looking over my shoulder reading it all. I miss my kid so very much.
Epicdenver May 18, 2021 @ 11:32pm 
i miss him on a weekly basis, i cant help but feel your loss. he was close to me aswell.
words cant describe what he was to me
Whisper The Wolf Feb 20, 2021 @ 11:42pm 
Wow, It has been a long time already... I hope that you have remained safe during these times, and that things have gotten better.

Have a good day, and Happy Birthday for Jex. :cleanfloppy:
BarbieKillZone Feb 20, 2021 @ 11:31pm 
Happy Birthday to Alpha Daddy! You would have been 25 today. I miss you son!
Kipvis Mar 1, 2020 @ 2:19pm 
rest in peace Jex, may the flames guide thee!
Sen Dec 15, 2018 @ 2:29pm 
Let me know if I can help. Same would go for Fawxington I assume
BarbieKillZone Dec 14, 2018 @ 10:11am 
Nuka agreed to do a piece for me, but funds are tight right now. I didn't realize comissions were so expensive
Sen Dec 7, 2018 @ 2:40pm 
If you'd like I can see about finding someone for a piece of Jex. We can discuss it whenever you'd like if you'd like to!
BarbieKillZone Sep 28, 2018 @ 7:42pm 
So I want a commissioned art piece for Jex and have a special request. This artwork will be printed and placed on Dakota's urn table. Could someone please inbox me of you are up for the task?
NeroGS138 Jul 13, 2018 @ 9:11pm 
I didn't know of Dakota until today, never knew him unfortunately, hope you're doing well!
BarbieKillZone Feb 19, 2018 @ 5:30pm 
Dakota's birthday is coming up soon. He would have been 22 on Feb 21st. Please leave him a birthday message on his wall. I know he can't see it but I can read it to him. Thank you
zoinks! Jan 6, 2018 @ 7:12pm 
I don't know how things happen but I like to think we'll all see him again somehow. In the future, I bet we'll all laugh over this, if we see him again.
BarbieKillZone Jan 6, 2018 @ 4:58pm 
Thank you. It sucked but I was on autopilot for Jex's little brother who is 6 and his sister who is 19. We had a very quiet christmas. It was New Years that hurt the most. I feel like I left my son behind with the new year. Now I have to say my son died last year. This is the first year with my son no longer on this earth. That was hard to face.
zoinks! Dec 28, 2017 @ 1:43pm 
Hope you had an alright christmas, sorry this is a bit late. Stay safe y'hear?
BarbieKillZone Oct 11, 2017 @ 5:43am 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ are everywhere. I figured there would be ugly comments eventually.
Sen Oct 8, 2017 @ 3:35pm 
Im sorry people are being ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on Dakota's profile...Some people just arent loved I suppose.
Dog Food Jul 13, 2017 @ 7:56pm 
I've been sitting here trying to type for an hour, really unsure what to say. All I can say is that I wish the best for you and your family. Don't hesitate to talk to me if you need to, I'm always more than happy to help anyway I can.
BarbieKillZone Jul 13, 2017 @ 6:18pm 
Evenlyn, trust me, there are days that I am just a blubbering heap on the floor. Some days I cry all day over everything. Last week I found my son's favorite jacket. He had long hair and this jacket still had tons of his hair on it. It shattered me. I was a mess all day. I can at least talk about him now without turning on the water works. That's a start. There's no instruction book on how to grieve over your dead child and still live your life for your other kids. There are days I can barely make it to work. And then there are days that I can remind myself that I will be ok....eventually.
BarbieKillZone Jul 13, 2017 @ 6:14pm 
To any of you who are suffering from depression and have considered or may be thinking about suicide. It is not the answer. My son was in emotional pain and I believe he just wanted to end that pain. He did. But only because he passed it on to me and his sister. My parents are hurting as well. He destroyed me when he left me. So he may have lost the pain, but we are now suffering. I'm sure my son convinced himself that no one would care. No one would notice. And we would all be better off without him. I suffer from depression as well, so I get that. But he was wrong. Look at all of you hurting because of what he did, and you aren't even his family. So imagine what your choice to end your life, would do to your family. Please talk to someone if you are thinking of ending your life.
Dog Food Jul 13, 2017 @ 5:47pm 
Of course. It saddens me that people feel the need to stop living, in order to stop their pain. I've been down that road before, but my closest friends saved me. I only wish other people could be as lucky as I was, because now I know that my life is worth living. Just as everyone's is. I'm impressed that you've been able to talk about it so much with people you don't know, as some people I know can't handle the stress and sadness it brings them. You are an amazing person.
BarbieKillZone Jul 13, 2017 @ 5:37pm 
Thank you Evelyn. That means a lot to me.
Dog Food Jul 10, 2017 @ 2:22pm 
Hey uh, I never knew your son, but I stumbled upon your story on here and I just want to say that I have you in my mind often now. I've had close friends of mine commit suicide and I know it's hard. I'm always around if you want someone to talk to about stuff like that, I'd love to be able to get to know you and your son and your story. I believe that stuff like this should be talked abotu to raise awareness of it, because it is a serious problem in your world that people often don't notice, or if they do, they ignore it. I'm so sorry to hear what happened.
BarbieKillZone Jun 16, 2017 @ 9:54am 
Thank you
BaconBlitz #REPLAYGRANDFINALS Jun 13, 2017 @ 10:53pm 
Hey. Heard what happened. didn't know the kid, but I am so, so sorry for your loss :c
BarbieKillZone Jun 11, 2017 @ 11:47pm 
Thank you, Specezi. I'm getting through this day by day. It's going to take a long time heal.
azzy Jun 9, 2017 @ 8:28pm 
I feel your pain. I’m very sorry for your loss. My condolences from Croatia, even though I didn't know Jex personally. I am at a loss for words.

I know there is nothing for me to say that will make your loss easier but know that I am sending you my love and support. I hope you can understand what I can't put into words. I was so saddened to hear about his passing, even though I never talked to him. I hope and pray that you will have strength during this time of loss. You have my deepest, sincerest sympathy.

I hope the love and support from your loved ones bring you peace during this difficult time. My heartfelt sympathies to you.

These things are never easy to write, and with a heavy heart I extend my deepest condolences to you during this dark time. I'm here if you need anything.
Kal Jun 9, 2017 @ 10:57am 
people may make fun of this saying it's not real I have gotten into multiple fights because people judged friends of mine who have gone through depression and have attempted to take their life because of it. Thankfully I have stopped them from doing so.
BarbieKillZone Jun 9, 2017 @ 10:57am 
We are American. Not sure why my put his profile as another country. That was Jex.
BarbieKillZone Jun 9, 2017 @ 10:56am 
He admitted to having depression. It was something he had been fighting for a few years. Many people with depression retreat to online worlds while distancing themselves from their rl family and friends. My son did this. The harder I pushed to keep him out of his dark corner, the more he sunk in deeper. But we were not arguing at all the week of this. He seemed ok. I'm not sure what set him off and unfortunately I will never know.
Kal Jun 9, 2017 @ 10:55am 
my condolences from america
Aziz Jun 9, 2017 @ 10:55am 
My condolences from Kuwait
Kal Jun 9, 2017 @ 10:54am 
I had your account sent on discord so it sounded like some fish sticks up in here so I wanted to come and get info and now that I know it is real I send my condolences.
BarbieKillZone Jun 9, 2017 @ 10:52am 
It is real. If you just stopped by to be nosey, kindly leave.
Kal Jun 9, 2017 @ 10:48am 
what signs did you find that he had depression? mood, cuts, or something other than those? :steamsad:
Kal Jun 9, 2017 @ 10:45am 
no i just wanna know if this is real or not if it is im sorry if i offended you
BarbieKillZone Jun 9, 2017 @ 10:44am 
Mileena is there something you find funny?
BarbieKillZone Jun 9, 2017 @ 10:43am 
Thank you Siphon. I remember you from Rust. We can all sit and and ask ourselves if we could have changed it, if we could have done something to stop him, but in the end he would have found a way out another way. I have sat here wondering if I pushed too much or maybe I didn't push enough. Could I have saved him? From himself? Probably not. And the answer wouldn't bring him back to me anyway. Don't dwell on the maybes. Just remember him for what he brought into ypur lives.
Polybius Jun 9, 2017 @ 10:42am 
Trench Jun 9, 2017 @ 9:36am 
Hi, First and foremost I'm extremely sorry for your loss... I've known Dakota for 6 years and hearing about his passing truly has affected my friends and I. We all loved talking to him and playing games with him, from Rust to ArmA and Garry's Mod. I personally have known about how depressed he was for quite some time, but never have I expected him to do this... I wish I could've changed the outcome...
BarbieKillZone Jun 9, 2017 @ 1:18am 
Suburban I remember you. Me and his sister played Rust with Jex, ypu and others. I think you had your own server? My son did have depression. I just don't understand why he chose that night. He seemed the day before and even went out with us. I believe he just gave up. I miss him so much.
Suburban Loveman Jun 8, 2017 @ 11:56pm 
i'm one of jex's friends. i am one of the people who spoke with him about everything... i didn't know he was going to committ suicide, but he had shown signs of it for a while. you can message me when i am online.
FreezeBug Jun 8, 2017 @ 11:40am 
I can't believe Jex is gone. And I can't imagine how this must feel for you, and I'm so sorry for your loss.

I hope he finds his way wherever he is now, and I wish he could have seen how many people loved him .
BarbieKillZone Jun 8, 2017 @ 9:20am 
Thank you for your kind words, everyone. Jex was blessed to have you all as friends, even if it was just online.
the rice that fried the shrimp Jun 8, 2017 @ 8:44am 
Im very sorry for your loss... I dont have answers but im glad i was able to be his friend.
zoinks! Jun 8, 2017 @ 6:24am 
Sorry for your loss. Dakota was a lovely guy, and I'm glad I had the honor of meeting him, albeit only online.
JoeBro Jun 7, 2017 @ 6:51pm 
I'm sorry for your loss. :(
T'vaoan Trouble Jun 7, 2017 @ 2:38pm 
i sent messages useing the PM chat i hope you're getting them