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Получено 4 из 45 (9%) достижений:
Личные достижения

Une étoile

You have discovered 2% of the Passidex (base game).
Дата получения: 12 июн. 2020 г. в 14:00

Le Sans-abri

Hervé helped you with your investigation.
Дата получения: 4 июл. 2020 г. в 11:22

La Vieille dame au flingue

You accepted Carolina's offer.
Дата получения: 4 июл. 2020 г. в 5:54

Le Chat

You drove Crouky to Saint-Lazare station.
Дата получения: 12 июн. 2020 г. в 14:00

Deux étoiles

You have discovered 10% of the Passidex (base game).

Trois étoiles

You have discovered 25% of the Passidex (base game).

Quatre étoiles

You have discovered 50% of the Passidex (base game).

Cinq étoiles

You have discovered 75% of the Passidex (base game).

Le Chauffeur

You have discovered 98% of the Passidex (base game).

Un pour tous…

You have met all the passengers (base game only).

Sous les verrous…

You have arrested all the killers (base game only).

L'Ange de la Mort

You discovered the Angel of Death's identity.

Le Marchand de Sable

You discovered the Sandman's identity.

Le Juge

You discovered the Judge's identity.

Скрытых достижений осталось: 31

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