Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
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5 van de 26 (19%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Everyone's doing it

Have your Hero Die
Ontgrendeld op 14 okt 2020 om 11:11

I got this

Successfully complete a Single Enemy encounter!
Ontgrendeld op 14 okt 2020 om 11:17


Successfully complete a Time Limit Trial Level!
Ontgrendeld op 14 okt 2020 om 11:16

I got your back

Control an Echo while Spectating
Ontgrendeld op 2 jan 2021 om 15:41

Spin the Happy Wheel

Invest enough Prestige to trigger a random Rare Enemy while Starting a Game Venture
Ontgrendeld op 14 okt 2020 om 11:19

Trial of the Champion

Complete a Venture with a 'S' Rank


Choose to Extend a Venture

Venture Complete!

Choose to Kill a Boss

Mix n' Match

Unlock 35 Abilities


Unlock 9 Prestige Characters


Summon 8 Unique Ancients

I need help!

Summon 4 Ancients on a single level

Let the Buckles hit the floor

Defeat 100 Buckles

They call me "Dangerline"

Participate in a completed Epic length Venture

That wasn't so bad

Participate in a completed Long length Venture

Who's afraid of the dark?

Successfully navigate a Darkness Level!

All Crazy n Stuff

Successfully complete a Mayhem Level

The Other Side

Defeat 100 Dark Heroes

Community Continuer!

Participate in a Venture which gets completed with at least 500 levels

Hey, Its you!

Raise up the Echo of a Registered Streamer

Full Squad

Raise up 15 Echoes in a single level

Hero Up!

Raise 10 of the same House Echoes in a single level

Next up, Superstar!

Complete 5 straight levels without dying on a single playthrough

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