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0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 80.8 tuntia (79.2 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 11.6.2018 klo 2.41

Ay time for a review then.

Lets start with the Multiplayer first.
Finding a match usually goes quite fast, max time i had to wait so far where about 5 minutes, ofc. it really depends on the time, especially during the hours where EU peeps head to bed and US peeps get home from work the multiplayer can be quite dry untill they all ate their dinner and are rdy to match up (wich is, the way live works, so not really a negative point)

The multiplayer matches themself are quite fun, i love the 1v1's since it reminds me alot of quake, ofc. the item spawns are random, but the player who keeps map control and item control (as random as they may be, this ones actually important) has the upper hand, aswell as knowing where ur enemy can come from, so skilled prefiring works just fine to get the headstart in a dodgefight.

The Anarchy matches (in other words, free for all) deliver alot of action, aswell as planning ahead, either u are that type of guy that goes straight into the action or the one that sneaks up behind of all that mess to try and snack a few kills.
And this game does contain "assists", so there is no real "kill stealing" since those "assists" give u points aswell (ofc. not as much as a solid kill) - this especially kept my frustration low haha :D
Same for the Team Anacrhy (TDM) , it can be really fun to play this in a 3v3 or 4v4, sticking to your teammates or spreading out to flanck the enemys.
Sadly i couldn't find any TDM without asking/gathering people in beforehand.

Next thing are the servers, there arent many available and me as EU player, i often see myself "forced" into USA servers, the netcode isn't too bad, but u feel the lag at around 150ms and people with 30ms ping have a clear advantage on you.
Gladly u can setup private matches, with your own set of rules and invite people to it, wich is also tons of fun.
The game does contain a matchmaking and ranking system, but as you can guess, matchmaking only works well when there are enough people playing at the same time - so it can happen, especially at those "empty" times (see above) that a plat player gets qued up with a bronze or silver.

Time to check out the Campaign.
The story itself consists of Radiologs and Text, since theres quite alot of stuff going on it can take 2 playthroughs to really understand the story, since listening to those radiologs WHILE fighting a hord of bots isn't really the easiest thing to do.
But they deliver every reason to do the campaign twice because after your first runthrough u unlock the "NewGame+" where u keep all your upgrades and weapons from your first run through in addition to more and harder enemys, delivering you a real challenge.
The campaign itself is actually quite easy for most experienced 6dof players, it really comes down when u play it on harder difficulties - wich sure is challenging, but can sometimes just be straight out frustrating.
Keeping the difficulty high tho makes up for the repetitive objective *blowing up reactors, all day long*
Every 5 Levels u get to fight a boss, wich... sadly i found underwhelming so thats a minus from me.
The maps themself contain the well known secrets, switches, locked doors, secret levels etc. wich reward u with upgrade points wich u can invest into your ship after each level.
Now it really depends on what kind of player you are, but if u enjoy hunting secrets etc. for a 100% playthrough then this can keep u on your toes for a while.

Time for the Challenge mode.
This is by FAR my favorite time killer in the game, it is so much fun!
U got several maps to choose from, several difficulties and u can choose between countdown and infinity.
So why do i find it the most fun? Becouse i love to top the scores of the other pilots, especially when u can show off in their Discord :D
Infinity literally means that u try to survive a hord of bots as long as u can, the difficultie increases the longer u last.
The most fun part is countdown tho, u get 5 minutes to destroy as many bots as u can, as fast as you can and since it is only 5 minutes u start to tell yourself "just one more run, just one more run".

Due to the amount of configurations the Options become their own part in my review!
At first it is overwhelming and superb confusing, escpeially for people who have no idea what mouse limiting does, or what tri-chord,allwas and hybrid means.
If u have problems with setting up your controls then i STRONGLY ADVICE that u head into their discord and ask the people!
It really helps out, i had my configuration set up after a few minutes and it feels spot on for m/kb.
It gives so many things u can change/tweak/play around with that u can literally set it up for dual joysticks, hotas, gamepads, probably even a steeringwheel with pedals - it's truely amazing!
You just need to take that time to set it up tho - but its worth the effort.

So all in all, the Campaign could have been a bit more - especially the bosses, but i did enjoy the extra challenge with my second and third playthrough on higher difficulties.
Aswell as gathering the achievments and finding the secrets.
So this part gets a 4/5 from me

The Multiplayer gets a 3/5 from me - it could have been more love, like a serverlist for example.
On the other hand, if the playercount rises just a bit more then i give it a 4/5 - becouse then it is garanteed to get big TDM matches up'n'going without having to gather people in discord.

Just the fact that i spend 80% of the playtime in Challenge-mode makes me give it a 5/5, it is still not boring and beating the top scores is so satisfying.

The options get a 3/5 from me, because i had my difficulties with them at first, not knowing what they exactly do - wich forced me to ask in their discord for help and advice.

All in all a 4/5 game for me :)

Ay, i hope i didn't forget anything.

Cheers TX
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1 kommenttia
SecretAgentKiiN 特务健 11.6.2018 klo 6.21 
+1 Thanks for the review :47_thumb_up: