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Publisert: 6. okt. 2017 kl. 21.29

This is an excellent example of a game that would be a quite basic puzzle horror game with quite nice environments with a story that is alright but nothing special; but it is marred by constantly jarring transitions to short cutscenes & the worst movement speed I've ever had the displeasure of playing with, give me garbage stamina over this nonsense.
The Store Page indicates a 3-4 hour playtime, given how absurdly straightforward the puzzles are & how linear and obvious the game is about where you need to go that a good half to three quarters of the playtime is from lousy movement.

It's almost masterful how much the movement speed ruins a game that should just be kind of boring & turns it into one of the most unpleasant experiences on Steam, almost worth picking up (& then returning just to see it in action), starting out with a good 3 minute walk up a winding staircase set me on edge about what I was in for & it never recovered.

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