Tradefortress Bot 1
Bot, James Bot
This bot is the property of and is a non-monitored account.

Currently Offline
Trade Fortress Info
We will not provide support directly from the bots. The bots are for delivering

items and if you are in need of support please go to xxxx and file a ticket.

Why is my order pending?

For new users and some that we were unable to fully decide on their


Will you leave reputation?

If an order is past 90 days old we will provide reputation on the desired 3rd-

party site. Send a support ticket in on the subject and where you want the rep after the 90 days.

What is our refund policy?

All sales of Fortress coins are final. If a payment is reversed for any reason

your account will be suspended until such time that the dispute is resolved.

All sales of items are final unless the item listed and the item delivered are

substantially different than what was advertised. All items delivered are

logged on the site and trade history is available through the steam website. If

it is deemed to be different than advertised a full refund of coins will be
