John Higglebearcat Smith   Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Being happy is a personal thing and it really should have nothing to do with anybody else.

NightFoory: omg
NightFoory: Leafeon ex
NightFoory: looks sexy
NightFoory: I'm not gay, but I'd be gay with Noivern and I'd ride it.

~ Confessions of a Furry

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVbdbVhzcM4&t=0s boom science

Yoo-Ni-Kawrns Er Real
Zurzeit offline
cheeky secrets
AkDar ~


Give me Second I'm talking a shower

Duck Cannibal ~

DuckCannibal: if he takes ages to eat dinner
DuckCannibal: imagine
DuckCannibal: making it

17:50 - [219] DuckCannibal: Hey, I found this website, I've gotten really into it recently! https://www.literotica.com/s/mrs-mathison-brandy-and-a-movie<br>

NightFoory ~

POLSKI SKLEP: Yummy splitroast am I right fellas

21:53 - NightFoory: The only thing I'll let bite me is Noivern :>>>>>>>

NightToday at 4:46 AM
My top is getting pretty clean

Fujiwara Takumi ~

Fujiwara Takumi: man
Fujiwara Takumi: aint you a soundboard
Fujiwara Takumi: of sound effects
Fujiwara Takumi: you got the car noises
Fujiwara Takumi: sex noises
Fujiwara Takumi: any kinda noises
Fujiwara Takumi: PLANE NOISES TOO
Fujiwara Takumi: take off
Fujiwara Takumi: and land off
Fujiwara Takumi: WAIT
Fujiwara Takumi: SHIT

Fujiwara Takumi: you can cut out a whole
Fujiwara Takumi: in it
DuckCannibal: size of a usb stick
Fujiwara Takumi: and fuck it

22:41 - Fujiwara Takumi: i gotta start laying some more tabks
22:42 - Fujiwara Takumi: taks
22:42 - Fujiwara Takumi: TANKS

Fujiwara Takumi: suck a dick
Fujiwara Takumi: uh
Fujiwara Takumi: i could masturbate
Fujiwara Takumi: for that
Fujiwara Takumi: personal
Fujiwara Takumi: fuck
Fujiwara Takumi: idk
Fujiwara Takumi: continue
Fujiwara Takumi: shhh
Fujiwara Takumi: continue
Fujiwara Takumi: CONTINUE

Fujiwara Takumi: see the cute girls
Fujiwara Takumi: did you see ol vicky?
Fujiwara Takumi: the
Fujiwara Takumi: fucking
Fujiwara Takumi: NVM
Fujiwara Takumi: ITS LIZ
Fujiwara Takumi: STFU

19:34 - Fujiwara Takumi: you
19:35 - Fujiwara Takumi: iliterate

20:20 - Fujiwara Takumi: i think the dumbest thing ive done
20:20 - Fujiwara Takumi: was like
20:20 - Fujiwara Takumi: put back the milk in the
20:20 - Fujiwara Takumi: snack
20:20 - Fujiwara Takumi: box
20:20 - Fujiwara Takumi: thing
20:20 - Fujiwara Takumi: on the wall
20:20 - Fujiwara Takumi: cupboard
20:20 - Fujiwara Takumi: thats

19:12 - Fujiwara Takumi: what did you say
19:12 - Fujiwara Takumi: nice
19:12 - Fujiwara Takumi: nince

James898 {~_^} : some
James898 {~_^} : slight
James898 {~_^} : self
James898 {~_^} : choking
James898 {~_^} : till
James898 {~_^} : you
James898 {~_^} : go
James898 {~_^} : to
James898 {~_^} : sleep
James898 {~_^} : it works for me
James898 {~_^} : i like
James898 {~_^} : to
James898 {~_^} : o
James898 {~_^} : use
James898 {~_^} : my
James898 {~_^} : step dead
James898 {~_^} : LOL
James898 {~_^} : ok
James898 {~_^} : gooodbye

22:28 - Fujiwara Takumi: IF I SAID THAT
22:28 - Fujiwara Takumi: ID
22:28 - Fujiwara Takumi: WOULD
22:28 - Fujiwara Takumi: BE ON YOUR
22:28 - Fujiwara Takumi: PROFILE
22:28 - Fujiwara Takumi: IN A JIFFY

JamesToday at 6:33 PM

~ R.I.P Old Steam Chat Much Loved ~

shut up
you whore

do cows have teeth
they eat grass
the fuck
do they need teeth for

👻 of Christmas Edge ~

im scared because 2015 is coming up and 2+0+1+5= 8 and that is the number of nipples hitler had if he had 6 more nipples.


DuckCannibal: im lilstening to bubble gum bitch while playing d.va
DuckCannibal: it suits so well
👻 of Christmas Edge: buggle gum bitch
👻 of Christmas Edge: oh ffs
👻 of Christmas Edge: you know what
👻 of Christmas Edge: i own that

Some Random Peeps ~

Im P0iiS0n: top or troll
Im P0iiS0n: hohoho
Im P0iiS0n: lets fun this game

_Dimik_ (19:18:24) yes , i see ... mega best player .... just good luck to you
Kababknife (19:23:13) suck my fat cocc
_Dimik_ (19:24:37) are you realy idiot ??? you must get a doctor ... f....g noob

zitronenschwein: idk am with idiot (lucian)

seksi7: You can lead a horse to water

My name is Chef: wtf u mean get good?
My name is Chef: i played well
My name is Chef: wtf did u do
My name is Chef: play trash
My name is Chef: just as i thought

[All] DeadpoolKatarina (Lucian): stop feed please galio and stop talk you just ruin this game

VAnillaFreezDToday at 6:32 PM
@Night a furry applying to pets at home
>alterior motives 100

Kababknife FAP34: hi tem
Arthur SheΙby : men
Arthur SheΙby : dont take riven
Arthur SheΙby : i check you
Arthur SheΙby : and you suck at her
igotfreecandy0 : lulw
Tοmmy SheIby : mid swap?
igotfreecandy0 : nah
igotfreecandy0 : imma stay mid
Kababknife FAP34: dw
Kababknife FAP34: this game
Kababknife FAP34: i am good
Arthur SheΙby : 38% win ratio
Kababknife FAP34: this is the 38%

AlwaysWithNooB:>:^): nida u havet done better
AlwaysWithNooB:>:^): u clearyl threw my lane giving syhlas 4 kills to get 3

Gruyère AOC STONκ: fun fack urgot you are a huge piece of shit at this game btw

Mr jipitox Fiddel suck ur premade ass
Kababknife ikr
A FUMAR MANDANGA left the lobby
MrSalvin left the lobby
Mr jipitox beacuse u are so fcking bot
IsItPoppin left the lobby
NightFoory oh yeah
XSleepyEco left the lobby
Mr jipitox jhin u win
Mr jipitox beacuse ur team pill u
NightFoory thx
Mr jipitox and perma camped
Mr jipitox shut up
NightFoory I kinda didn't need it
Mr jipitox bvot
NightFoory cause Im god
Mr jipitox u are soi fcking noob
Alaysh red or blue pill
Mr jipitox U are bot
3moor like u did sometyhin in the gaem?
Kababknife bvot?
Mr jipitox god said
Mr jipitox KEKW

James898 Hello friends
Kababknife stfu
James898 How you doing
James898 Hope all is well
James898 wow okay
James898 reported
Thank you, your report for James898 has been submitted. The game will continue.
OG Sosa hahahah
OG Sosa hahahahha
shiiir0 how am i getting jungle the third time
Kababknife submitted. The game will continue.
RE1V4J good duo
shiiir0 its second role
OG Sosa brothers and sisters
Kababknife woops
OG Sosa listen
Kababknife Thank you, your report for James898 has been submitted. The game will continue.
OG Sosa we are STINKS
Kababknife yes dad
OG Sosa and we are NOOBS
RE1V4J el teton de jungla dodge
James898 yes dad
OG Sosa don't start the game like this
OG Sosa we are united
OG Sosa we are stinks
James898 okay dad
Kababknife okay dad
OG Sosa kkr kabab
James898 I just wanna go home dad
OG Sosa kebab
OG Sosa doner kebab
Kababknife das me
OG Sosa zeg is een keer ik ben een noob
OG Sosa eine mal
OG Sosa seggen sie ich bien eine noob

~ Riot Disapproves ~

who supports hentai here
ward pls
ur mum
smite doesn't heal anymore
dont ping me
when renek goes in
on illlaoi r
this is a capital crime
u missed r
cs is for the weak
jung diff
ty ty
jung diff
i cant
this diff too big
jung diff
call me hun agian
oh fuck yeah
got me wilin
jung diff
vayne is my mommy
so not wrong tbf
8 deez nuts
in the jiffy
deez nuts makin me cry lmao
xer bad call
jund diff again
game is so easy
when jung canyon is so large

~ Mr. Glazer ~

Night 11. Nov. 2022 um 19:02 
Cute profile picture 😳
Thick Thighs Lover 20. Aug. 2022 um 3:58 
don't catch my knife with your face all over the map ~senfpai
Colonel 2. Feb. 2019 um 18:52 
Night 24. Juli 2018 um 5:29 
Attentäter Peter: so go off an hang up from the tree
Night 3. Mai 2018 um 9:35 
Fujiwara Takumi: WAIT
Fujiwara Takumi: MLP IS CRINGE
Fujiwara Takumi: IS 10/10
Fujiwara Takumi: you do do
Night 22. März 2018 um 12:13 
: i'd rather
: let a
: peedophile ♥♥♥♥ my ass
: than
: let her
: teach
: me
: shes
: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
: braindead
: holy
: shi
: she got tits
: thats it