sdick   Antarctica
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#it's a beng beng world after all.
such a rhyming name 28/fev./2022 às 6:23 
ohhhh ahhhh godfish ooooohhhhh
Godfish 31/ago./2021 às 22:25 
yeah, that's fine
Makadla23 30/ago./2021 às 12:30 
Hey dude, remember 6 years ago you made that mod for The Binding of Isaac where you shoot chairs out of your eyes? Yeah, well it doesn't work with the latest DLC. I fixed this issue and now i thought i'd upload it to the workshop for the 3 people who dowload it. However i should ask for your consent in using your pixel art. Is this fine with you? I will of course credit you.

TL:DR: Can i steal your 6yo pixel art of a chair and use it in a "mod" for Isaac? (You will be credited)
111112oo 27/dez./2020 às 18:24 
imagine having good non bad rats achievements in your achievement showcase
Godfish 4/jul./2019 às 4:11 
111112oo 4/jul./2019 às 4:07 