I go for fantasy/fantastic games and strategic 'creative' elaborate masterpieces~ I wish they'd make a Jade Empire 2, and thinking of-which~ this game won't work on newer PC... hope that changes~ and the kotor stories were fun... Bioware tbh if you want to keep the star-wars nerds you could apologize with some sincere force-power customization in another sequel to these games... seeing as Lucasarts has been consumed by Disney~ they may be willing to allow these 'comic' star wars plots to continue at the behest of many fans ~ Elder Scrolls-- as much as I care for the ESO... is it as fun as the stories(i'm about to buy oblivion just to relive it for 5 bucks i think) ... but for some reason I am of the mind that it could have been an MMORPG skyrim, but wasn't ~ with additions from Oblivion ~ and isn't (spell crafting!) ... it has this and that but is a little bit cookie-cutter to be a favorite-pasttime for me, that-is, perhaps