Tulpa 3 mars 2018 à 7h34 
+rep good killer
Noah_BK™ 16 janv. 2018 à 19h21 
It made my game drop frames and then I thought I lagged out when you DC'd. Sorry you got blocked out of the hook though. Feelsbadman
The Scrub of Your Life 16 janv. 2018 à 19h16 
It bugged out my game lol
Noah_BK™ 16 janv. 2018 à 18h33 
While you were getting body blocked on the hook, it broke my game and you were teleporting around the hook for me xD
alpha male 4 nov. 2017 à 12h20 
CoOl KId
Black_Hart 19 sept. 2017 à 22h22 
Dis dude stole my pootis!:crate: