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Call of Juarez: Gunlinger?

Honestly, it really ought to be called Call of Juarez: I can't see! Because that's what you're going to be screaming at the screen about ever 10 seconds. The graphics are okay I guess, again it's hard to say due to the vision problem. At the start of the game it has the whole "Set your brightness" thing? Yeah, well, word of advice? Don't listen to it. This game is dark as hell, it's stupidly difficult tell just where the people who are shooting at you are, and when you finally start to line up a shot, you'll be riddled with bullets. Which OF COURSE, needs to add all sorts of blur effects to the screen, further obscuring your vision.

You have three skill sets to chose from, a gunslinger that lets you dual wield pistols. A sharpshooter that gives you access to special rifles and long range perks. Finally, Trapper, which gives you bonus' to explosives, along with two special shotguns, a long barrel and a sawn-off, in addition to letting you dual wield two sawn offs.

Sounds cool right? Well let me just give you another nugget of advice and say to just pick the Sharpshooter. I picked the Trapper, because honestly, I'm a sucker for old side by side shotguns and...Christ! Long range combat is basically all you do. A typical fight will be you, stuck somewhere, with oh..I don't know, A HUNDRED people shooting at you. Sure, you're face grows back if you stay in cover long enough, but don't expect to be able to charge in and start blasting with said shotgun.

No, sniping people are range is quite honestly the best way to go about things. As you'll spend most of your time completely surrounded, hiding behind whatever you can find, waiting for your face to grow back and most importantly, your vision to clear.

I honestly can't tell if enemies are bullet sponges, or that your own bullets just don't go where you aim them. I can't tell you the number of times I shot someone 5, 6 times, and either I somehow was missing, or they can just take a huge number of bullets. I've had guys, two feet away from me, dead center in my crosshair, take two shells from my shotgun, and apparently have no trouble. Somehow, I missed.

The story isn't terrible, a rather cliche'd story over all, but it isn't terrible. The method of its telling, that of an Old man rambling his way through while drinking is interesting...until you start getting annoyed with said Old man's ramblings. Which honestly I found amusing even as I wished he'd get on with it. So bravo on that. They completely captured the real life feel of listening to someone's possible ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tales.

Boss battles tend to be terrible though. Typically a boss can kill you in mere seconds, in addition to summoning back up that proceeds to attack you from ALL sides so that you can't take cover. So that a lot of times, it feels more like trial and error then anything else. I had one early boss battle glitch, the boss got caught on the level, which allowed me to blast away at him, and it still took something like 20 point blank shotgun blasts to the chest before dying. But the last boss? Oh my god.

The last boss is against another famous outlaw (Most are, but for spoilers sake I won't say) but apparently there is something history left out. You see, apparently this man was actually aq T-800 series Terminator. He has a double barreled shotgun and ALL he does is slowly walk towards you, blasting away the entire time. He can kill you in a couple of shots, and is near impervious to gunfire. Best yet, there is no tactics to the fight, all you can do is (and I do mean ALL YOU CAN DO) is run back and forth to hide behind two tall tombstones and blast away at him. The guy took 15 point blank shotgun blasts to the face, 2 dynamite blasts, and a full six revolver rounds to the chest....and hadn't even lost half his health.

I really can't recommend this.
Αναρτήθηκε 10 Αυγούστου 2018. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 10 Αυγούστου 2018.
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