FullRefund Aug 2, 2016 @ 11:21am 
@VinceTheBurn By "never start a war in east" I assume you mean "Never start a land war in Asia" (it's from the movie "Princess Bride"... The kingdom you need to hold is the northeastern most kingdom on the CKII map. In a 769 start it is called Yughur (I think that's how it's spelled). You can double check it with a quick Mongolian start as there it's the dejure kingdom simply called Mongolia. I did that was starting as Carloman (I think), formed the empire fairly quick then gave it up through an election loss so I could expand without all the agressive expansion coming onto me (though I was a good chunk of the way there already when I gave up the empire).
FullRefund Jul 19, 2015 @ 2:34pm 
Well now I not only have to do this but I have something to live up to it seems. My big worry about making videos is having enough to say so it doesn't get crazy boreing. I'm not so good at talking while doing. Yes, yes I am Canadian and we Canadians are great at making fun at our selves and Americans. :)
FullRefund Jul 19, 2015 @ 1:26pm 
I should note that I made a couple CKII videos on making custom Republics. Those were my first and only attempt at videos and the sound isn't very good as I don't have a proper microphone.
FullRefund Jul 19, 2015 @ 1:24pm 
Well if I ever get started on my YouTube I will be a very talented achievement hunter on it. :p DDRJake is a developer and I'd say noone knows EUIV better then him (though I'm only 3 achievements behind him in EUIV now). I don't really watch anyone else on YouTube for those games (I must shamefully admit I watch a decent number of Minecraft YouTubers though).
FullRefund Jul 19, 2015 @ 1:15pm 
I did notice that... Dangit. Well I will get it soon and it will be the 3rd time I've received 100% on CK II. I've been playing EUIV so much lately I've near forgotten how to play CKII but I'm sure it will come back to me quick enough.
FullRefund Jun 10, 2015 @ 8:53am 
Yeah, just play as Hungary (or likely any other country with no current leader) and wait one day. One Night in Paris is also much easier now with the nerfefd France and the ability to take capital provinces.
Feynrik Jun 10, 2015 @ 7:10am 
Both you and PacJR808 got today the ach "one family to rule them all". Is there any trick to this achievement?
FullRefund May 9, 2015 @ 7:02pm 
Uh-oh, the pressure is on now. :) You want to see some badass EUIV, watch some of DDRJake's EUIV videos.
Feynrik May 9, 2015 @ 2:50pm 
I'm nowon a follower of your gaming. You better put up some neat videos or guides of about just 10 percent of the total achievements you scored!
FullRefund Feb 23, 2015 @ 2:04pm 
I don't know that I'll ever be able to get 100% on EUIV... A couple of those achievements look pretty darn tough (I've read that some of them were easier a few patches ago when there were fewer provinces). I will however give it the 'ol college try.
Feynrik Feb 23, 2015 @ 11:45am 
This explenation you should put up as easy guide! For sure. Hope you write these and other textly based ideas down on a note to be put up all at once when you get the game 100% ??
FullRefund Feb 22, 2015 @ 4:36pm 
As to the space bit, just spend your points wisely. I spent none on changing province culture, just sucked up the culture differences and handled a fair number of revolts. Have lots of claims so when you take the provinces you can core them for fewer points and make use of vassalizations & annexing. I kept Moldavia as a March the entire game and kept feeding it provinces. I also had Golden Horde as a vassal (couldn't turn it into a March as I don't have Art of War) and fed it lots of provinces too, they were both pretty big countries in their own right at the end.
FullRefund Feb 22, 2015 @ 4:36pm 
Dunno about a video on that, but basically I allied with Austria from day 1 and stayed Austria's best buddy through thick and thin right up until the last 20 years when I went to war to dismantle the HRE. Picked apart Russia over 4 or 5 wars. Same with Ottoman (Austria actually started most of the wars with the Ottoman, I just tagged along and took a lot of provinces which Austria was happy to give me in peace). I did a lot of expanding (all Scandanavia, much of the Arabian Peninsula, Black Sea, etc...) Over time (when Austria was recovering from war exhaustion) I vassalized a couple HRE elecctors then for a short bit when Austria wasn't emperor I vassalized most of the rest to make the dismantaling much easier. France was actually much easier then I thought she would be, I finished France in a single war, allied with Austria we took every French province in Europe then for peace I made France give back/release most of the territory she had annexed over the centuries.
Feynrik Feb 22, 2015 @ 8:54am 
Please put up a video about how you managed to get Poland into space and with weak Poland guaranteed France, Ottoman peace and also with Poland Ruined the Rome Impire. How did you get this, you master YOU !
Feynrik Feb 11, 2015 @ 4:10pm 
Can't you for all other EU-gamers put up a guide how you managed every last of achievements? For instance the France core achieve. And the one before. Even if they are easy, like starting year just before France is amendmend and even the hard achievements - how you managed to get it. You will get al lot of Steam prestige and status. Don't mind the ones that want you to just help that particular person, just help all by plain and simple (or advanced according to the difficult level of the achievement) guides!
Feynrik Feb 4, 2015 @ 4:16pm 
Once again, WOW. What a task!
FullRefund Feb 4, 2015 @ 2:01pm 
That Ruyuku achievement does sound all but impossible. From what I was reading it was easier before some of the expansions came out when the map was smaller (far fewer provinces) and apparently there were some exploits that could be used. I will be up for the challenge though when I think I'm ready for it (not yet).
Feynrik Feb 4, 2015 @ 12:38pm 
Oh, i didn't realize that your video demanded cheat codes. Thought the codes was another easier way to find that particular character to give out holdings to. There are cheats and I have nothing against cheatings as long as I have tried out the game totally and completely - then just to maximize that game to 100% achievements then I go for cheats. A gamer that have not living by gaming 20 hours day cannot play reasonably to get for example "get a life" achi in Miami Hotline, the "discover 100%" in Truck Europa or "all traits" in Tropico 4. Many of harder achievements are rudicilous I think. Like I will give you a smaller game when you show me the "concure the world as Ruyuku" in EU4 !!! Don't you think that one is insane? But still there are some 0,1 of game owners completed that one. And don't forget that like only half of gamers in CKII have "marriage" achi! How can one play CK2 without getting married? It is like forced upon the player to get marriage.
FullRefund Feb 4, 2015 @ 12:30pm 
I play in IronMan mode so I can't be tempted by the cheats, as I know I would succumb to them if the option was there. You can also only get achievements in IronMan. But the tutorial video I made for CKII of course requires those cheat codes.
Feynrik Feb 4, 2015 @ 11:41am 
There are apparently some easing cheats. Are they helpful to use? The button ~ and type money, prestige or stability. Only 0,1% got the Switzerlake. There is one good guide to master Krabater. I will look into that one while try one of this cheatz (don't tell anybody)
FullRefund Feb 4, 2015 @ 9:33am 
The 200 province was with the Cherokee, a lot of colonizing and a lot of help with my wars from England. I just got the tar kicked out of me with Persia and am about to try again, or perhaps go for the 99 provinces without coastal ones with Switzerland... Hmm.
Feynrik Feb 4, 2015 @ 8:11am 
You are truly amazing in getting those hard-earned achievements. Yesterday got the Cherokee game running and today formed a superhuge 200 province Persia. When will you give all of us others your tips and tricks how to become at least 10% good as you are !?
FullRefund Feb 3, 2015 @ 5:46am 
My goal is indeed 100% in EU4. I just really learned how to play a couple weeks ago so might take me a bit, but my familiarity with CKII should help (I hope). I don't have all the expansions yet for EUIV so that will slow me down too, waiting for them to go on sale. ;)
Feynrik Feb 3, 2015 @ 1:50am 
So you have intention to get 100% ach in EU4 as well as you did CKII?
FullRefund Jan 27, 2013 @ 6:06am 
Praise Jebus!