I have updated my steam again... Goodbye.
My conclusion.
I know for sure I am not for this world. As I have grown older the idea of sticking with the things I used to do as a kid has died. Deep down I can't handle this world and preform better out in the actual world. I have made the mistake of wasting people's time and my own by constantly going back to them thinking that this time will be different but it never is. I am the problem and I would like to be the solution. I mean it when I say this... I am not coming back. Don't try to contact me. I wont try to contact you. Its for the better. Keep moving on I have changed beyond recognition. I am not who I was before. I would like to become someone who is more in touch with the real world instead of this virtual ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Awsaufer 9.4. klo 21.13 
Can't fit an update in to this so I updated my profile.
Merc with the phrenia 30.3. klo 18.20 
hope all is well man
EERIE OREO 24.3. klo 17.21 
Hope you're still doin' good brother
Jaitie 10.3. klo 11.57 
Miss you bro, hope you're alright
GreaseMaximus 1.3. klo 20.38 
The meager ones crumbled, I have no idea of the position you're in but consider our last interaction a blessing, and in that context and over all I question why I am on this side of things and you're on your side, even though it may go against others, it can't stop me for forgiving you as I was forgiven many times. Whatever you're doing and however you feel, I hope you can have some moments of rest, my blood brother.

However crude, I am your friend as always.
mario4156 31.1. klo 21.52 
Hey man, Hope your doing alright. Wishing you the best of luck!

From your friend, Jud.