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0.0 timer siste to uker / 6.4 timer totalt (6.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Publisert: 18. sep. 2014 kl. 0.49

This game came so close to being the best 4x game ever created, but they lacked possibly the most important feature that most games lack... an intelligent AI. You have the power to micromanage every detail in a vast galactic empire which very quickly becomes tedious so you turn over certain parts of your reign to your artificial intelligence that proceeds to fly around in circles or protect the worst possible things to protect. This problem is only compounded with your opponents because they too are working under a faulty artificial intelligence that doesn't know how to defend itself. I am rating the game so highly because it really did come close, but I find the game unplayable so I cannot recommend it.

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3 kommentarer
Roboman 27. sep. 2014 kl. 0.04 
Yeah, game was sold before it was completed. Unacceptable. It just takes about 100 hrs or so of game play until you realize that the game wasn't finished.
Shadow Fox 26. sep. 2014 kl. 14.34 
I am very torn about this game which is why I gave it a 7/10 but still a thumbs down. I think it needs several AI patches before a full thumbs up.
Seschwa 22. sep. 2014 kl. 2.17 
I've noticed some very clever AI - in one instance an enemy fleet jumped in and opened up a hole in my monitoring stations. Before my construction ships were able to replace the lost stations, fleets had already jumped through my defenses and attacked one of my (at the time undefended) keyhole planets.

... At the same time, there are definitely instances where the AI is lacking - but for my $.02 I think it's competent to provide a challenge.