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Publicada: 19 mar. 2019 às 18:21
Atualizada: 20 mar. 2019 às 9:23

I really tried to give this a fair shake, but there's some issues that just won't let me enjoy the game. The character mechanics needs some serious work, especially the character with the double jump. Jumping already feels uncontrollable and floaty, but add in the fact that you have to make the first jump with one button and then to double jump and jump from wall to wall you use another button. Besides the other characters needing work, just switching from character to character has been frustrating, especially when you need to do it quickly. Another thing that stands out to me is that some of the mob hitboxes are off which make things even worse. Overall the game just isn't fun and that's disappointing cause it looked like I'd enjoy it. One of the minor things that should be changed is that there's a place inside the game which will take you to the store to get the free DLC, however it's not free. It's only a buck, but the devs should probably change the message to reflect that.

The devs posted one update with a couple fixes shortly after launch back in 2017 and then one more to announce they launched the DLC. The only things after that were about it being on sale and nothing about improving gameplay and fixing things. Its Q1 of 2019 so I don't see this changing in the future. This is a very easy Not Recommend.

EDIT: I just looked and I didn't even get 1 card for having around 3 hours playing the game.. that doesn't seem normal.
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