Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
Je moet zijn aangemeld om deze statistieken met die van jezelf te vergelijken
0 van de 51 (0%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Death Driver

Unlock all Achievements

Rookie Debugger

Defeat over 1,000 bugs

Veteran Debugger

Defeat over 5,000 bugs

Legendary Debugger

Defeat over 10,000 bugs


Deliver a finishing blow with Travis

Out of the Park Homerun

Deliver a finishing blow with Badman

Clear and Lucid

Deliver a finishing blow with Shinobu

Out of the Park Brawl

Deliver a finishing blow with Bad Girl

Tag Match

Play Co-op

Parent-child Bond

Play Co-op using Badman and Bad Girl

Master and Pupil Team

Play Co-op using Travis and Shinobu


Pull off a rocket start in Golden Dragon GP


Defeat all bosses with Rank S or above

Feel the Wind

Defeat all bosses with Rank SS

The Main Man

Get Travis up to Level 20

Grand Slam

Get Badman up to Level 20

Hands Down

Get Shinobu up to Level 20

Peak Condition!

Get Bad Girl up to Level 20

Continue or Die

Clear the game without using continues

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