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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 146.0 hrs on record
Posted: Aug 8, 2021 @ 7:41am

Best trilogy that anybody can play in their lifetime.

Mass Effect 1
For some reason I remember the game being way longer, might be the fact that I played this game 14 years ago.

Story is start of one beautiful journey. The core characters get presented in this game that will become favorite during the rest of the trilogy. Some of the characters don't have that much to say (Joker, Tali) compared to how talkative they are in the sequel.

Characters are really well done for that period when it realsed.
-Garrus is still best bro
-Wrex is second best bro
-Liara acts like a child in the start since she was 'young' in asari years and didn't have that much contact with people and during the game she becomes more confident
-Tali is best girl, too bad you can't romance her
-Ashley is dead just like every playthrough I do, I just hate her guts
-Kaidan is meh

Combat is just as bad as I remember, but it might have some improvesments in this version that I can't see.

Mako still a pain to drive.

World is beautiful. The few places you get to visit really give you the right vibe and let you immerse into the world and story.

Rpg elements are more present in this game than the latter two. There are a lot of options from different types of weapons for each slot, different classes of armors to mods to add and change to those items different stats.

The main game is short, but there are side missions that take you to different planets for extra content.

Game is a solid 8/10.

Mass Effect 2
The sequel is everything I remember and more.

The beautiful places you get to visit, the intriguing loyalty quests and quests in general, the little side quests that add flavour to the world and the bad ass main missions.

They went above and beyond with the characters in this game.
-Garrus like in the first game is still best bro
-Tali gets more attention that in the first one and is a good thing since she is a nice character
-Miranda I just hated her supperior attitude, I did do her loyalty missions every time i played this game but never took her on missions
-Jacob is not such a big pain like like Miranda but is just a plain character, didn't take him on missions
-Grunt is just Wrex in disguise, I really liked his character and took him on missions
-Jack was somewhat cool, but never liked taking her on missions
-Kasumi stuck on the ship until I did here loyalty mission
-Zaeed was also stuck on the ship until his loyalty mission
-Mordin Solus was annoying at times, but he was a good character seeing that what he did was bad and his conscious growing up on him until the end of the game
-Samara was an interesting character
-Thane was a miss for me, even tho he could have been on of the bros his raspy voice make me keep him on the ship, but I did enjoy learning his story
-Legion was a nice surprise, I still remember the first time I played this game and was so surprised that I got to have a geth on my squad

Combat is 10 times better than it was in the first game, aiming is more natural, weapons feel a lot better. There are more types of weapons than the first game that you can collect and upgrade the damage or ammo capacity.

Gone is the diversity in armors that was present in the first game. It was replaced with a new system where you can buy full sets or parts that you can mix and match. Don't quite feel like this was a good direction, should have kept the old system and merged it into the new one.

Missions are really well made. Characters from the first game make their appereance in this game in small and big parts. The addition of loyalty missions really added spice to the game and made you love the characters even more.

The main game is a bit longer than the first one, but if you want to have the best outcome you will have to put some hours in side quests, loyalty missions, mining for resources to buy ship upgrades and so the total completion time of the game goes up.

Game is a solid 9/10, could have been a 10 if not for the slow mining animations that you kinda have to do a lot.

Mass Effect 3
It was hard to follow up Mass Effect 2 continue what it build and out do it. It was normal that they will screw up. That is present in the ending, that even after the 'extended cut' is still a mess.

The reapers are here and now you have to save all those idiots who didn't believe you.

Game starts up on Earth to show you the devastation that the reapers can do so you get motivated to get the job done.

Compared to the really big and diverse rouster of the second game this game has only 3 new characters and the rest are returning characters.
-Garrus as always has a spot on the missions because he is best bro
-Tali gets even more attention than the second game and her attachment to my male Shepard is pure and honest
-Liara has 'grown' up a bit compared to the first game and is more cynical and annoying
-Kaidan is really annoying kepping doubting Shepard at every step and only half way through the game he stops doing that, well I know who never gets picked for missions
-James is a meat head, lovable but annoying
-Edi is just there, only got here on 2 missions and one of those was required
-Javik was a breath of fresh air, but they made him too stiff and at times felt like a drag talking with him

Combat is ok, some improvesments could have been done compared to the second game but they just kept that gunplay. This time around you can add mods to the weapons instead of the upgrades from the second game. The mods could have been a great idea if you didn't have to go around and hunt for them on different maps, some mods coming up way late into the story.

They kept the same armory system from the second game, but now you have to go on a scavanger hunt for the pieces. Same with the weapon mods, there are pieces that come way late into the story.

Missions were ok, gone are the loyalty missions but you get more personal chat with the companions right off the bat. The side quests were mediocre at best, a lot of fetch quests. The mining is removed and it's replacement is scaning for war assets. The only two good missions that didn't involve the reapers where curing the genophage and making peace between the quarians and the geth.

The main game requires you to have a minimum amount of war assets, but considering that you kinda want to explore and do missions with your companions (Garrus + Javik/Tali) to learn more about them and listen in on the banter you will get a high amount of war assets towards the end of the game.

Game is a 7/10. The pacing is bad, ending was the worst ending I have seen in almost 20 years of gaming. Hopefully Mass Effect 4 can redeem the series and put my Sephard back in action.
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