
Simsiloo ( GENERALFAKETAXI ) 最近的评测

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10/10 game would recommend playing it while being high.
发布于 2020 年 7 月 21 日。
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总时数 127.7 小时 (评测时 17.3 小时)
I never really done any reviews to games before, so apologize for any bad grammer or just bad englando.

GordianQuest is a fantastic game with huge pontienal, i can say this with confident if your a fan of slay the spire you'll get a fun time with this game as well. Tho i enjoyed the game some things may not peak everyone's interests, so hopefully a quick review will help with that!

+ Amazing replayability
+ Most character's have 5-6 different builds you can go with making every run feel different
+ Great game mechanics fused together beautifully
+ For it being a deck builder game, it surprisingly lacks heavy rng elements not in a bad way tho, but more like you have more control over it then you'd normally have in these type of games.
+ All characters feels differently from each other, only offender to this is Lucius the warrior and Catherin the cleric plays very similarly with most builds.
+ Up to taste. Very difficult but fair ( minus the warewolf incounters )
+ Gear providing abilities makes some very interesting builds path and it does combo with stuff you gain from your own indiviual skill tree's ( can be a minor point from other's but for me i enjoy that aspect a fair bit and see a lot of fun combo's being allowed once more options are provided in the future )
+ It actually has a story which isn't that fantastic to be frank but hey it has it which is cool!
+ The art and looks i personally enjoy but it's nothing outstanding but it's not something i generally would look in a game like these.
+ Easy to get into and play doesn't require a monster pc and the mechanics are self explainatory after you've gone through it once or twice
+ From what i heard the devs are listening to the community and take criticism really well


- Resitence feels useless and most stats on gear in general feels lack luster outside of having initiative or extra card draw or keep a card on the end of the turn
- Some characters breaks the game out right once they optain just 1 card, making it feel very pointless going for combo's with your deck over just hard rolling for those cards.
- The renown system makes the game way to easy and needs a rework, as of the time being i'm on my 3rd run and i'm not even losing health on my front line at level 10 on hard. ( not sure if nightmare is unlockable since i've beaten it once, but can't say how it is on that difficulty )
- As of the time being lack of ways to track how many channel stacks you have, and the debuffs and buffs screen should be something you can pull up and pull away when required since it can clog up the left side of the screen if you have a character with a fair bit of buffs.
- Lack of a tutorial outside the start, nothing really teaching you how camping works and certain debuff effect works ( it's not that bad and can easily be fixed, but i was slightly flustered with how camping worked at first but quickly knew how it worked )
- Some characters needs a massive balance change for both how strong they are and also weak ( may be just because i have won once and have more options unlocked to me at the start of the game ) personally speaking Catherin and Lucius is to good at what they do, and Pierre feels mostly useless compared to others and if not lucky early on Alphonse is straight up useless.
- Sound effects and music i hope will change a bit, and may be a weird point but personally love clean sounds while doing simple tasks in town or being a rough battle. Currently sound effects in town is crisp and clean but in fights it feels awkward and off putting with some characters attacking or taking hits just sounds scuffed ( and randomly make it 10 times louder then it should be ) and music quickly start repeating it self, which quickly made me mute the in game music which at times decided to play anyways even having the sounds off.

~ The characters aren't very unique and in the way they look and play if you care about it that much
~ It being in early access changing will happen so if your scared to invest in early games then you may wanna hold off until more things are added
~ Some incounters is impossible early on and just makes you lose straight up and at the start it'll be a frustrating experience if you don't fully go in not knowing how to play it "correctly"
~ Once you figure out how camping works and how to abuse it as of the time being, it's almost next to impossible to lose a run. personally i would like it to change a bit but i can see it being fun getting insane builds more easier
~ May stand alone on this but the ability to exit to the main menu if you go into a incounter you'll 100% lose to, ruins the experince of the game and also ruins the point of the game. you avoid ever losing a bad run because of this ( Same problem i had with slay of the spire but up to taste i guess, just don't do it if you want an actual challenge and if you enjoy the game more from doing it then do it )
~ There is a lot of bugs but since it's in early accses it'll obviously be fixed upon the offical release

Sum up

I highly recommend this game if this review peaks your interests but if not i'd just say wait until further changes to the game or the release. But in short amazing game and i can't recommend it enough!
发布于 2020 年 3 月 29 日。
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