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6 av 51 (12%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Book Club

Find a Codex. On Earth it's rude to read other people's diaries.
Upplåst 8 jan @ 21:30

Adventurer Eventuality

Complete a quest! Joke's on you, there isn't any XP in this game.
Upplåst 1 jul, 2019 @ 6:51

Congratulations on Your Graduation!

Survive the Protectorate. It could have been worse.
Upplåst 1 jul, 2019 @ 6:51

The Wanderer

Meet Esther.
Upplåst 8 jan @ 21:40

Not in Front of the Children!

Defeat Mother Poptop. Every Poptop you meet from here on out is a lonely orphan.
Upplåst 8 jan @ 21:26

The Simple Life

Harvest a crop. See what happens when you eat it.
Upplåst 1 jul, 2019 @ 6:55


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