
Gerald 最近的評論

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CS:GO 評論
Counter Strike: Global Offensive is a unique shooter apart from what I previously played for well over 5 years which includes the Battlefield, Halo, Call of Duty, and Medal of Honor franchises. It has a high learning curve and skill requirement that will attract those looking for prestige and mastery while also providing an economic and addicting skin system that interests those into trading and items. The game is definitely not pay to win and by far well worth its initial buy. It provides a very fun and lasting game experience that is hard to beat at its price in comparison to the annual triple A title that you pay on average 60$ USD for. The game can be played for competative rank, fun, items, or to play with friends. I definitely would recommend Counter Strike as it is overall a very nicely made and maintained game that I spend many hours playing on and will continue to do so in the future.
張貼於 2015 年 7 月 8 日。
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