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Publicada el 14 AGO 2018 a las 12:41 p. m.
Actualizada el 14 AGO 2018 a las 11:20 p. m.

After finishing it I have some serious issues with he game.

I love how the WORLD interconnects, very Dark Souls 1....
The pacing of the areas is off-putting, areas between bosses are too short. Saves are far too frequent.

I love the ART direction...
There is a massive inconsistency in many assets especially late game... For example an enemy that was clearly blown to around 400% of its size resulting in really really ugly pixelart and it sticking out like a sore thumb. Or how about how a certain boss-room has an unfinished background.

I love the MUSIC.
It often breaks, especially in some bosses where the music transition would occur.

I dont like the SOUNDS, there is a huge amount of missing or badly set volumes, and they continue playing even if the source is dead or staggered. Boss voicelines stack because they are longer than their move's cool downs. There is a severe lack of feedback in many cases, and some sounds are really puny.

I dont know what to say on the STORY... It's a looot of philosophy about death which is to be expected but most of it is not above the high school class level. Its also very inconsistent in tone, but not in a fun campy way. For me it was a mess. But hey if you read maybe 5 or less books in your life it may appear as deep to you.

Oh boy here is where the mess begins. Game feel is BAD, sorry I would love to say its good but it's really not. There is a severe lack of feedback especially when YOU get hit, its also super inconsistent, some bosses and attacks will elicit proper feedback while others that are far more dangerous dont. It's often really hard to read you got hit besides the HP going down. Stagger is very very inconsistent, some attacks will make you fly 40 meters away, while others wont make you flinch while taking off 75% of your HP.
Oh and bosses have unskippable intros.... some as long as a minute. And I dont mean the unique line ones.

Movement is good-ish but there are issues with ladders for example. Also especially in a late game area the lack of feedback on what is and what isn't acceptable to jump down into is bad. I am sorry but I only found one of the late game bosses because I fell down, but if you fall down an identical, looking gap you die....

Enemies are messy. Some are well designed, articulated and timed, some are obviously late development boosted to make up for their lack of AI and attacks. Archers, SOME who look identical to others will have exploding arrows... there is no way to know. There is an "invincible" type of enemy, or I think it is I never found a way on how to kill them, my guess is they only take damage from magic, if that's the case that is a terrible design for a game with classes and builds. If there is a way to beat them I apologize.(EDIT: confirmed they CAN be killed, the method is pretty cool, but logically I dont think it makes much sense since they were haphazardly thrown around areas where they should die, but still good idea.)

The game runs on a cursed engine GMS, I know its pains very very well... I know it can be a mess, but during my play-through I found countless very primitive mistakes that anyone even slightly familiar with the engine should have been able to avoid. Moonwalking, menu endless selection, audio cancellation, etc etc. I was expecting a competent production that I can look up to in awe and say, yup they could do it, but no. Unfortunately this feels either rushed to market (somehow...) or very late design changes.
The fact that the whole grapple mechanic was removed from the game is sad to me, it looks like the devs ran into a bit of trouble they did not expect... and unfortunately it shows.

This is still a good game, there is plenty to love, but there is a lot to hate even if the engine is not getting in the way.

I CAN recommend it BUT preferably buy it later when they fixed a few things, hopefully.
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30 comentarios
Pugware 21 DIC 2018 a las 10:21 a. m. 
I am playing an mmo atm so nothing really.
dannywinn 21 DIC 2018 a las 9:03 a. m. 
What games are you playing right now that you would recommend?
Ragna 21 AGO 2018 a las 1:05 p. m. 
unskippable intros----------
That is a capital crime.
But i will give this one a chance in a month
VIPEN 16 AGO 2018 a las 10:06 a. m. 
It was great fun.
Memorable bossfight with good patterns.
I think the dev will have to work on the replayabillity.

You didn't touch on it but a huge deal for me was no focus on class variations and the lack of movesets (spec axe in my PT). + a lack of exploration, I know I will not find something new on my next PT.

I did enjoy the story, but it is kinda wierd how it flips in the seriousness so hard.
I found it funny but I did enjoy the games spooks more so it was deff a clash having to go from death in an apron to the whole mother theme.
Sparrowhawk 15 AGO 2018 a las 2:28 p. m. 
@Pugware. I know. That's what I was getting at/saying.
melt1nlove 15 AGO 2018 a las 11:13 a. m. 
Which is ok since it's your opinion!
Thanks for good conversation and explanation.
Pugware 15 AGO 2018 a las 11:11 a. m. 
As I said I do agree its a bit rude, but I had some issues with the philosophy and it really soured my experience, add to that some not optional forth wall breaks and the tone was all over for me and not the MGS3 corny way. I did laugh a few times and some things were genuinely great, I do like the WAY the story is told in many cases, the spoilers in flash forwards I dont like but many of the events and scenes after death's were interesting and is a good way to turn a sour experience(failing and dying) into something interesting.

I have very mixed feelings on the game and I can be really crude very often.
melt1nlove 15 AGO 2018 a las 11:06 a. m. 
First thing first thanks for the detailed answer.
I get your position on philosophy of the game, and respect it as a presentation of your opinion, but I still tend to believe that this is cheap to try to call plot of this game "not above the high school class level" even if we weren't talking about philosophically aimed script of the game, this criticism is very poorly understood in any normal way, it just seems like a cheap way to take it out on the things you didn't like, such as messed up game story, which actually is a strange roller coaster with philosophical theme.
Still, your review is great, and this is the only thing I found bad enough, for my perspective to motivate me to ask about this.
Pugware 15 AGO 2018 a las 10:41 a. m. 
I can go into further detail if you want as to why I think its a hot mess with some very basic high school level philosophy spread throughout.

My point abuut the level of philosophy WAS condescending but I was a bit put off by some of the lines in the game that sounded really pretentious. The intentions might have been good and as I said I do agree with the core belief behind its message, but it put me off a lot when death was rambling in a pretty overwritten manner.
Pugware 15 AGO 2018 a las 10:41 a. m. 
@snowysnowy3 it's a figure of speech translated badly. I am not a native speaker, my point is its very basic philosophy, and it tends to beat its own goal by specifically stating whats the afterlife is like and showcasing that yes it IS hell, if you try to make a point about how death is important for life to have any meaning (which I fully agree with) and how its wrong to seek immortality, maybe DONT show what the afterlife is like, Death should have been far more impartial and the afterlife should not have been confirmed like it was.