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Dni od ostatniej blokady: 2079
Mitică 13 czerwca o 6:05 
if you see him in match report him and let them end
unloved child
name? 9 czerwca o 7:08 
zero iq player.
Abigail 4 czerwca o 12:13 
its actually incredible he can lose with alchemist rage in ability draft, incredible
Abigail 4 czerwca o 12:10 
this animal will ruin your game of dota 2, bet on it
suphuman, SUPRUSSIAN davay davay 1 rublox stupid life toxic bye loser, loser loser loser loser player virgin no LIFE DELETEEE :lunar2019laughingpig: I AM pudge :steammocking:
jija 29 kwietnia o 10:29 
Удали доту позорище