Tempo de jogo nas 2 últimas semanas:

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2 of 20 (10%) Proezas alcançadas::

Proezas pessoais

Player vs Block

Destroy 1000 Blocks
Desbloqueada a 12 mar. 2019 às 9:16

Combo Master

Finish a 100 x combo or higher
Desbloqueada a 12 mar. 2019 às 9:14


Destroy 100 incoming enemies
30 / 100

Creature hunter

Survive 10 Bossfights
0 / 10


End a stage with 3 active balls

Tune Up!

Install all permanent Ark Upgrades
0 / 26

Scale Up!

Reach the max. Ark size in a Stage

Try this!

Create a stage and share it!

Arcade Master

Finish a arcade survival run

Ark Master

Complete all Stages in Free Play and Arcade

Free Play

Finish all Free Play Stages

My Style

Create 10 complete Stages

More please!

Download 10 new stages
0 / 10


Finish a Stage on the highest difficulty level


Finish a Stage in a max speed Arcade Run


Finish a Arcade Bossstage on max speed and difficulty

4 proezas ocultas restantes

Detalhes sobre cada proeza serão revelados assim que forem desbloqueadas