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Persoonlijke prestaties

Queen of the Swings

It’s good to be queen?
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 5:02

Once the greatest of concerns

It’s all relative.
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 5:09

Adieu, my little tree!

We hardly knew ye.
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 6:01

This is how it begins

Not with a whimper, but with a “Eureka!”
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 6:14

Lobel Prize!

Bah!It should be Nobel!
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 6:24

Heard it all before

Say something once, why say it again?
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 6:36

Shut down,Roundybot.

Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 6:40

I found a bug!

No,you didn't.
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 6:33

Change the channel!

How come nothing good is on?
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 6:10

They move now?

Finished the first challenge puzzle
Ontgrendeld op 19 jun 2020 om 4:51