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Recente recensies door Dod

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4 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
11.8 uur in totaal
The actual combat is kinda, meh, its not great but its okay.

The REAL draw, is hands down the story, its fun, has made me smile, and you get to make fun lil choices. Its not perfect but if ever on a sale (I picked it up at -75% off) its worth your money maybe not full price, but it was a fun bit of snacky delight for the 11hrs I played it for
Geplaatst 22 september 2021.
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497.8 uur in totaal (185.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
Geplaatst 30 maart 2021.
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3.8 uur in totaal
Darkarta: A simple review
So to reiterate as before I'm not well suited to these types of games. However I do have somethings to go over that hopefully will aid in the endeavors of your friend. Considering that I don't really like 'puzzle adventure' games I can say that there were a number of genuinely fun puzzles! And often I felt a 'cascading success' whenever I successfully solved the puzzles placed before me and caught myself having genuine fun. Even though I did abuse the hint option a fair pit and may have skipped one or two I found difficult I did appreciate that there were alternate solutions to the puzzles, such as instead of finding things I could play an item matching game so I wasn't simply stuck there. The artwork is quite nice, not bad in the least and it can be very atmospheric, the animations however are were it starts to suffer a bit. There's a bit of jank in the animations that make them look a bit, wrong on occasion, though there are lots of smaller animations that looked nice. When it came to people moving or large objects it got a little off. The game excels at its still art but its animation does require a bit more work, not bad for a small time company though.
The soundtrack is very nice but because I kept getting stuck I'd hear the same music loop and at times it did get on my nerves a touch. A longer loop could fix this I think but that might just be a problem for me. Storywise its not too bad, as an outsider however I know very little of the culture, faiths or similar things of India. Reading little tid-bits of legends, stories or mythological figures, I feel, would enhance aspects of the story though I may just be pining to learn more about the 'lore of the land' as it were. Not bad over all though
[4:06 PM]
I feel like there is talent behind this and while this is, from what I can tell, their first major release, its not bad considering not only its price but what it has on offer. I do recommend taking a look into other gameplay styles or choice making. In particular a game I could recommend for the developers in terms of art style and story is Banner Saga, which presents itself in a way I find quite compelling. If nothing else its worth investigating. As for the voice acting in the game is a little basic but the actors sounded for the most part rather fine (English Version) though the lead could have done with a few more attempts.

Overall however the game isn't too bad for $4 and I'm having my fun with it. I do genuinely enjoy gathering the ingredients to make like the medicine, the olive oil and so on. Solid overall
Geplaatst 28 november 2020.
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3 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
0.0 uur in totaal
Darkarta: A simple review
So to reiterate as before I'm not well suited to these types of games. However I do have somethings to go over that hopefully will aid in the endeavors of your friend. Considering that I don't really like 'puzzle adventure' games I can say that there were a number of genuinely fun puzzles! And often I felt a 'cascading success' whenever I successfully solved the puzzles placed before me and caught myself having genuine fun. Even though I did abuse the hint option a fair pit and may have skipped one or two I found difficult I did appreciate that there were alternate solutions to the puzzles, such as instead of finding things I could play an item matching game so I wasn't simply stuck there. The artwork is quite nice, not bad in the least and it can be very atmospheric, the animations however are were it starts to suffer a bit. There's a bit of jank in the animations that make them look a bit, wrong on occasion, though there are lots of smaller animations that looked nice. When it came to people moving or large objects it got a little off. The game excels at its still art but its animation does require a bit more work, not bad for a small time company though.
The soundtrack is very nice but because I kept getting stuck I'd hear the same music loop and at times it did get on my nerves a touch. A longer loop could fix this I think but that might just be a problem for me. Storywise its not too bad, as an outsider however I know very little of the culture, faiths or similar things of India. Reading little tid-bits of legends, stories or mythological figures, I feel, would enhance aspects of the story though I may just be pining to learn more about the 'lore of the land' as it were. Not bad over all though
[4:06 PM]
I feel like there is talent behind this and while this is, from what I can tell, their first major release, its not bad considering not only its price but what it has on offer. I do recommend taking a look into other gameplay styles or choice making. In particular a game I could recommend for the developers in terms of art style and story is Banner Saga, which presents itself in a way I find quite compelling. If nothing else its worth investigating. As for the voice acting in the game is a little basic but the actors sounded for the most part rather fine (English Version) though the lead could have done with a few more attempts.

Overall however the game isn't too bad for $4 and I'm having my fun with it. I do genuinely enjoy gathering the ingredients to make like the medicine, the olive oil and so on. Solid overall
Geplaatst 28 november 2020.
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