Kodiak Black
John   Christmas Island
Hurricane Doug is making it rain
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jomagr Nov 28, 2020 @ 8:10pm 
Once I tried licking my own ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ out of pure curiosity. As a result, I now spend my days curled up on the floor of my bedroom, dim lights, soft music, slurping away at my own ass. Forget random tinder hookups with amateur ass eaters. I have forged the path to ass eating mastery all on my own, with myself as practice and execution. There’s no crevice undiscovered, no cranny untouched by the painters pink brush. In my path to becoming my own dessert, I have lost all: my job, my wife, my kid, and my dog Rectaurus - all gone. Though they are missed, there is but one true desire within my heart, for in the end, I realize that my own ass is all I’ll ever need.
squarebob Oct 30, 2017 @ 9:36pm 
I can't take this anymore.

First you say you want me, then you throw me off to the side. Make up your damn mind, or I'll be gone for good. Don't pretend like I am the one crawling back to you, because at this point I am ready to move and not look back while you're clinging to the past. Keep trying to guilt trip me in getting back together with you. I wont let you manipulate me ever again.

We had something special and I kept telling myself that you were worth it, but I was so stupid. Now I realize, that this is for the best.
Duck Oct 30, 2017 @ 9:35pm 
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squarebob Mar 29, 2017 @ 6:34pm 
Hello Cutie,
How are you doing? Hope u doing Great. Well, Impressing is what i describe your captivating profile as a near perfect description of what i desire in a woman, even your picture goes a long way in describing the quintessential underlying beauty any man would seek for in a woman ..I would like to know u better and be good friends.

I hope u are doing ok well i was just searching around when i found ur page and believe me its a great page u got, everything about it is great i could not just leave without letting u know how much i think u worth..........
i want u to know that u are one hell a beauty, a charming pretty mermaid, so unique,pleasant, breathtaking and so so angelic that i can.. t just stop thinking about u and what u look like always in my mind and head well i hope we talk real sooner

Only God's creations can compare to the beauty that I see in you! My Interest for you is infinite, without limits,