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Đạt được 0 trên 20 (0%) thành tựu:
Thành tựu cá nhân

Escape Artist

Escape the house and start exploring New Haven.

Diary Collector

Start collecting diary pages from this mysterious Sue person to unlock the full story.


Successfully break into Julian's safe.


Manage to successfully teleport to a specific location without dying.

Scuba Diver

Successfully dive underwater with scuba gear.

Forklift Driver

Driven a forklift with skill.

The Negotiator

Handled a confrontational negotiation with The Manager.

Train Driver

Handle an subway train between stations.

A Killer

Used a weapon to take a life.

The Roadie

Driven a car through the streets of the city.

Còn lại 10 thành tựu ẩn

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