Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
Je moet zijn aangemeld om deze statistieken met die van jezelf te vergelijken
0 of 29 (0%) Prestaties behaald::

Persoonlijke prestaties

Become the Starcaller

Complete your first ritual.


Achieve a score of 100 in ritual

Out of the Blue

Achieve a score of 200 in ritual

Problem Solver

Complete a total of 50 puzzles
0 / 50


Complete a total of 100 puzzles
0 / 100

Puzzle Master

Complete a total of 250 puzzles
0 / 250

Reach for the stars

Reach the top 10 on any leaderboard

Touchy Touchy

Grab a total of 50 objects
0 / 50

Hands on

Grab a total of 100 objects
0 / 100

That was close...

Complete any puzzle with 5 seconds remaining


Equip one new hand skin

All hands on deck

Unlock a total of 5 hand skins


Complete a total of 20 rituals in any game mode
0 / 20

"Insert Portal reference here"

Finish a Ritual without throwing any shards into an orange portal

You are Number One!

Become the number 1 Starcaller (Achievable from 5th April 2021)


Survive 2 minutes 30 seconds in Survival mode

13 verborgen prestaties resterend

Details voor elke prestatie zullen na het ontgrendelen worden onthuld