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0 of 38 (0%) Prestaties behaald::

Persoonlijke prestaties

Early Ending

Achieve the early ending.

True Ending

Achieve the true ending.

Good Ending

Achieve the good ending.

Death Ending

Achieve the death ending.

Evil Ending

Achieve the evil ending.

The Diary

Complete The Diary secret side quest.

The Beast

Complete The Beast secret side quest.


Reach Level 10.

Rise to the Challenge

Beat the game on Challenge mode.


Earn 1000 gold total.

Quiz Master

Complete all 3 Quizzes.


Complete the arcade game side quest


Receive a blood pact from a Statue of Might.


Defeat 50 enemies.

Soul Piece 1

Defeat Soul Piece 1.

Soul Piece 2

Defeat Soul Piece 2.

Soul Piece 3

Defeat Soul Piece 3.

The Crimson God

Defeat The Crimson God.

Blood Through Snow

Meet your snowy victim's twin brother.


Win a prize at the Game Corner.

Cellar Door

Learn the truth about Peter.

#$%@ Flowers

Completely ruin the Lost Spirit's flower garden.

Fake News

Make amends with the news reporter.

Bell's Safe

Open Bell's safe.


Pick all 5 Mana Berries.

Igloo Treasure

Solve the Igloo Secret.

Master of Attack

Train with the Shadow Knight 3 times.

Spell Caster

Land a perfect Arcane Beam spell.

Fire & Iron

Have a Blacksmith upgrade your Toy Sword or Piety Mask.

The Fountain of Riches

Make a deal at the Fountain of Riches.

Oh Veer!

Score 200+ points in Oh Veer.

Balloon Popper

Score 125+ points in Balloon Popper

Cookie Chomper

Score 200+ points in Cookie Chomp.

Coin Collector

Collect 100 coins.

Master Gambler

Win Bell's Wand from the Casino.

God's Scrolls

Read God's scrolls in Challenge+ Mode.


Talk to all of the Watchers in Challenge+ Mode.

Treasure Master

Open 30 chests.