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Craptain Fabulous 2. feb. kl. 19:29 
Can I milk your teets??
bVrger 1. feb. kl. 21:52 
I ran into this guy in a game of waifu hunter... he kept trying to claim all the rare waifus, saying some gibberish about needing them to complete his cosmic harem for interdimensional peace negotiations
CrunkCoco 1. feb. kl. 21:42 
He seems like a nice guy. Definitely not someone who yell slurs at loved ones
Can I download more RAM? 1. feb. kl. 21:37 
This man has said more racial slurs than there are atoms in the universe
bVrger 13. maj 2017 kl. 13:37 
LunaMink 23. dec. 2013 kl. 14:05 