Spielzeit letzte 2 Wochen:

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15 von 15 (100 %) Errungenschaften erreicht:
Persönliche Errungenschaften

CPUCores User

You are now using CPUCores!
Am 16. Sep. 2019 um 10:24 freigeschaltet

1 CPU Core

Your system has 1 or more CPU Cores
Am 16. Sep. 2019 um 10:24 freigeschaltet

2 CPU Cores

Your system has 2 or more CPU Cores
Am 16. Sep. 2019 um 10:24 freigeschaltet

4 CPU Cores

Your system has 4 or more CPU Cores
Am 16. Sep. 2019 um 10:24 freigeschaltet

6 CPU Cores

Your system has 6 or more CPU Cores
Am 16. Sep. 2019 um 10:24 freigeschaltet

8 CPU Cores

Your system has 8 or more CPU Cores
Am 16. Sep. 2019 um 10:24 freigeschaltet

10 CPU Cores

Your system has 10 or more CPU Cores
Am 20. Okt. 2019 um 0:36 freigeschaltet

It's Halloween

Used the Halloween theme
Am 17. Sep. 2019 um 14:13 freigeschaltet

CPUCores Hours Used: 25

You've used CPUCores to boost your FPS for this many hours: 25
Am 17. Sep. 2019 um 14:15 freigeschaltet

CPUCores Hours Used: 50

You've used CPUCores to boost your FPS for this many hours: 50
Am 19. Sep. 2019 um 1:34 freigeschaltet

CPUCores Hours Used: 100

You've used CPUCores to boost your FPS for this many hours: 100
Am 21. Sep. 2019 um 1:24 freigeschaltet

CPUCores Hours Used: 250

You've used CPUCores to boost your FPS for this many hours: 250
Am 27. Sep. 2019 um 10:34 freigeschaltet

CPUCores Hours Used: 500

You've used CPUCores to boost your FPS for this many hours: 500
Am 8. Okt. 2019 um 10:25 freigeschaltet

CPUCores Hours Used: 1000

You've used CPUCores to boost your FPS for this many hours: 1000
Am 31. Okt. 2019 um 15:38 freigeschaltet

CPUCores Hours Used: 2000

You've used CPUCores to boost your FPS for this many hours: 2000
Am 12. Dez. 2019 um 13:52 freigeschaltet