Author and artist. Here are some of my works. "Angel in the Black" an epic science fiction war novel about rediscovering humanity and the meaning of home wrapped in a gritty, violent narrative. "Guiding Susan" an experimental dialogue only horror short story. "The Book of Willy" a comical yet dark tale of a man who gets text messages from God: short story. "The Dreamer's Nights" dark fantasy/occult thriller novel and "The Yellow Crayon List" strange poetry collection. All are available on Amazon.com (the short stories are kindle exclusive).
You can also check out my drawing/painting tutorials on youtube. Dreamersnites channel.

Angel in the Black
Cornelia❥ 3 月 14 日 上午 4:06 
Hey there!
I'm interning with an indie game devs team. I noticed that you're a big fan Roguelites and auto battlers, and figured our game might be right up your alley. And I am approaching to offer you a key to our game.
If you've got a second and wouldn't mind throwing some feedback or tips my way about the translations or how the game plays, please add me as a friend for further discussion, this would be super helpful for our game's improvement. Can't wait to hear what you think!