Names are not identified [MannyRivera]   Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
:d2naturesprophet: Manny Rivera, a regular 13-year-old boy with superpowers trying to choose between being good or evil. His father, a superhero known as White Pantera, wants Manny to grow up to be good and fight evil, but Manny's Grandpapi, a supervillain known as Puma Loco, thinks Manny should go to the dark side.®:d2axe:
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FelicTy`SmOke 21. Feb. 2015 um 12:24 
Prosto_Pa4a 1. Okt. 2014 um 10:34 
+ rep
JFK 18. Sep. 2014 um 14:58 
+rep good trade and fast
Miraculous Newbie 15. Sep. 2014 um 8:17 
76561198111080456 13. Sep. 2014 um 15:33 
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rochi 11. Sep. 2014 um 18:23 
+rep friendly(: