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지난 2주간 0.0시간 / 기록상 9.7시간 (평가 당시 6.6시간)
게시 일시: 2014년 6월 20일 오후 9시 35분

As a complete guitar beginner, I was given this game by someone upgrading to Rocksmith 2014. Plugging in everything was easy, the first song catchy and simple to pick up, and the song list is impressive.

I've improved drastically since starting to play this in conjunction with some how-to videos and a chord book. It's clearly based off the idea and popularity of Guitar Hero, but don't expect it to follow naturally if you are a Hero hero. More finger movement, callouses and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stop scooping the string, you're scooping the string don't do that make for a interesting gaming challenge.

It's not perfect: the multiplayer occasionally refuses to pick up the second player (usually me, making my already abysmal scores plummet) and even single player drops quite a few notes if the cord is not aligned correctly. And with the Steam version, you do need to buy that cord seperately.

However, I could play this game for hours. Feeling like an actual musician when you can fret without looking at it rocks and the first time you master a chord in-song is the most exhilarating thing. I've seen 2014 played and there is a lot of improvement in the interface, pickup and subtlety of the game, but Rocksmith still holds its own. The songs are solid, the gameplay is intuitive and you get to be a rockstar to crowds of enthusiastic 2d cut-outs. Really something I would recommend to rock enthusiasts and wannabe musicians alike.
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