Nabru "Gassy" Bear
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267시간 플레이
I have over 100 hours sunk into this game so I feel that I can properly review this game, if you do not want to read the whole review then scroll to the bottom to see the pro's and con's, here we go.

Wakfu Is a turn based strategy anime MMO RPG (a mouth full I know) by Ankama. This game originated from France, something pretty rare to come from them, it also has a anime that is subbed and dubbed in English on Netflix. The gameplay is something new and unique to this style of game, it takes concentration and planing in battle, should you use up all the points to move in close and unleash a flurry of attack or stay back and chip away at you enemy is up to you and your class. This system makes PvP a real challenge, most classes can far well in PvP due to the way you can build your class, all classes have at least some ranged spells, even those up close types.

Oh boy the classes, one of the best things about this game next to the combat. There are 17 unique classes that all have there own style of play, some examples are the Cra, your run of the mill pew pew archers, they have accses to these things called beacons, which they can use 3 different elementle attacks on the beacon which will have different affects depending on the element (Air, Fire, Earth). Another good example is the Sram, this class is all about assassination, going invisable and closing the gap behind there prey, also they use giant scythes, whats not to love.

The community of this game is hit and miss, you will have some people that are nice and try to help you and some who spam you with guild invites because they just want more guild points. The big areas where people gather are hot spots for spam bots trying to get you to go buy accounts and that junk, just put those people on your ignore list, the starting area seems to have some pretty chill people but if you are new or do not like trash talkers DO NOT go to The Temple of Scriptures. The Temple mostly has high level people that challenge eachother to PvP at the base of the steps, after sitting there for an hour to listen in on people all they do is call eachother homophobic slurs and offensive names, unfortunately you will have to come here once a day for a quest and it is also the best place to do high level gear trading due to all the high level people hanging around there.

Are you one of those "save the earth" people? Well guess what, this game has its own eco-system that you, the player, have control over. Do you wanna make a jungle? Go right ahead. Wanna destroy another nations resorces and laugh as they can't craft anything? Well you can, you sadistic monster.

Ever wanted to be a baker, a chef, or even a talor, making cute dresses for your in game wifu? Welp get to grinding that job XP, or run for governer of a nation and have everyone look up to you as a god. Of corse if you don't want to rule a whole nation you can always run for Vice governer, or Head of the Guard, and even control the weather of the nation, if you are having a bad day, flood your lands with rain.

+Has unique gamplay
+Can run on most systems
+Has a plethora of classes
+Not pay to play at all
+Has its own in game eco-system
+Prices in store seem really far
+Has its own government
+Anime Wifus
-Small player base
-Players can leave a sour tatse in your mouth
-Takes a lot of grinding
-Can be boring playing alone
-Have to redeem all DLC code through Ankam's website
-Graphics are nothing special
-Fixed cammera can make fighting very difficult

In the end, despite its flaws I really enjoy this game, and would highly recomend it to all my friends